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Can I get arrested for a Fake Twitter Acount.? - Printable Version

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Can I get arrested for a Fake Twitter Acount.? - CaliforniaDreamer21 - 01-16-2013 09:38 AM

Basically me and my friend made a fake twitter account and we we're following people and just for fun but then they started getting angry? I get that so they swore at us and we swore back. We also used some pictures from someone else but we didn't say we were them. I deleted the account the night I made it. I didn't treaten anyone.. And I only said some swearword back which were said to me!. I know it's wrong but yeah. Can I get arrested for this? Can the police get involved? Because it was supposed to start out as a jokeSad
I was posing to be as a random girl. No celeberty or anything

- jamie - 01-16-2013 09:41 AM

Who were you posing as?

- Ru - 01-16-2013 09:48 AM

No it is not against the law and unless you are making threats you cannot be arrested.

- Britpilot90 - 01-16-2013 09:50 AM


Only way would be if you were positing as someone else and committing slander

- Kathy - 01-16-2013 09:57 AM

its so sad for humanity that you need to ask this. do we have so little freedom left that you should worry about something so harmless?