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How do I get over my ex boyfriend? - Printable Version

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How do I get over my ex boyfriend? - Ellie - 01-16-2013 09:39 AM

Its been a few months since we went out. I know it sounds ridiculous but, how do I get over him? Everytime I like someone else he keep coming in my mind and I just want to be with him again. I broke up with him, I really sound stupid but I regret everything about breaking up with him. Im not sure if he likes me again, cause whenever Im around him hes really friendly. I really need to get over him, HELP MEEEE!

- M$$$ - 01-16-2013 09:44 AM

1. cut off all contact 2. reflect on why you broke up and realize that it wont work, people are brought in and out of our lives for a reason and that is to show us what we want, what we dont want, what we deserve 3. spend time with friends 4. go on a date with other guys the easiest way to get over somebody is to date somebody else, you'll probably realize that there are lots of guys out there that are better for you. 5.DONT CREEP ON HIM stay off his Facebook,twitter, or any other social network page YOU ARE SETTING YOURSELF UP TO GET YOUR FEELINGS HURT if you monitor his pages. "what you don't know cant hurt"

If this is your first love I hate to tell you that its one of the hardest things to do in this life, but realize EVERYBODY has had their heartbroken by a guy or a girl not just you, and that it is a long process to get over them but I promise you one day you will look back and just LAUGH.