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What should I say? I'll answer yours? - Printable Version

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What should I say? I'll answer yours? - ponsforlyfe - 01-16-2013 09:39 AM

My boyfriend liked my truth is status on facebook. We've been going out for almost 4 months. The last time I saw him was on Christmas for a little bit. I love him a lot and he means the world to me but we're not Facebook official (although his friends and my friends both know we're dating). I don't want to sound clingy or anything just something short and sweet and not overly mushy since other people can read it.

- AvuncularUngulate - 01-16-2013 09:41 AM

Good Lord, when did Facebook become some sort of legal site for recognizing relationships?

Here's a clue, Tootsie. Facebook is a marketing tool, not reality.

But if you must write something, just say, "X and I are very close, in ways that can't be put into words." If anybody asks what you mean by that (though I can't imagine anyone caring enough to bother), tell them to mind their own business.