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Why do people prefer myspace over facebook and twitter? - Printable Version

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Why do people prefer myspace over facebook and twitter? - ASHLEY ASHLEY ASHLEY - 01-16-2013 09:39 AM

Like myspace dominates everything and take over people's lives.
I have read an article in which people are addicted to myspace.
Why is myspace soo popular now and facebook and twitter so irrelevant.
Most people I know (and I know TONS of people because i am the former queen bee at my highschool) use myspace and no knows what the hell a facebook or twitter is.
Could someone please explain this myspace phenomenon and why can't facebook call it quits?

- DRO - 01-16-2013 09:47 AM

facbook is starting to dominate teens all my friends use it over myspace now. myspace will slowly die out.

- Lateefah - 01-16-2013 09:56 AM

myspace doesn't dominate facebook or twitter actually people dropped myspace and went on to facebook and twitter both facebook and twitter has more people

- Happydress589 - 01-16-2013 10:00 AM

well i have no clue what world youre in or your school is in, cause myspace is soooo 2 years ao at my school. almost EVERYONE at my school has a facebook, including teachers.....sadly. i always thought of myspace for ghetto people, i have no clue why but thats my view on it. now twitter is not so popular at my school, but there are a couple of people who have one. i have nothing against it i actually had an obsession over it before, but it went away. i am tooooo hooked up to facebook, i think i go on it too much. but yeah i hope this helps

- Hate Gently - 01-16-2013 10:09 AM

Maybe it's the name. MYspace. Probably appeals more to people's subconscious ego! Whereas "Facebook" just sounds weird. And Twitter...who wants to be called a twit?

- just me - 01-16-2013 10:18 AM

I would have said facebook and twitter are FAR more popular than myspace. But, myspace was the original out of these types of social networks (or at least, the original main stream one that everyone got into.. there have been several others that are similar before myspace)

Most of the people I know who arent on facebook or are only on myspace are the people who dont have regular access to high speed internet, or live in the middle of no where, in places where they dont get new stuff until the rest of the world has decided its old and time to move on to something else new.

In general though, right now myspace is a complete copy of face book. Kinda ironic. Facebook basically copied myspace, but changed the format and got popular as hell. Now myspace as copied facebook, and everyone is still on facebook.

I do know that they were saying they were going to focus more on music and pages for business advertisments, so if they have done that already, the music could be drawing more people.