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Why Does This Guy Text Me Randomly, and When I Text Back, He Ignores Me For Days? 10pts? - Printable Version

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Why Does This Guy Text Me Randomly, and When I Text Back, He Ignores Me For Days? 10pts? - Jae - 01-16-2013 09:39 AM

A month ago I got a random facebook message from a guy I met in college. (We shared a class last semester and he showed alot of interest in me: stealing glances, staring, telling other people that I "seemed interesting and he wanted to get to know me but I'm so quiet.”) Anyway, we exchanged numbers over fb and have been texting on and off ever since. When I see him randomly he’ll compliment my clothes and jewelry. Earlier this month when we saw each other we hugged hello and goodbye, and he kept saying we should hang out sometime. (He even texted me once asking if I wanted to go to dinner with him, but I was too busy unfortunately since I own a small business.)

HOWEVER, for the past two weeks he’s been texting me first and when I’d respond he wouldn’t answer me. Then he’d text me many days later apologizing and claiming he was “feeling antisocial/tired/working, etc. But once when I checked his twitter, I saw that he had made plans to chat with a girl online after work. He texted me early the next morning apologizing about how he was SO tired after work, and went to bed right away, which wasn’t true.

7 days ago he texted me, and I msged him back but he ignored my texts UNTIL this Christmas morning when he texted me at 8:00am apologizing for not getting back to me lately. He said he just ended an 8 day work week, and that he was feeling antisocial, but was trying to reconnect with people. He wished me a merry Christmas too. I texted him back around 5:00pm (I was busy) and wished him a good one as well. I haven’t heard from him since ONCE AGAIN.

Why do guys do this? I’m just curious. I’m no longer romantically interested in him since I felt so hurt and self-conscious from his hot-cold behavior in the past, and blamed myself a lot. I’ve cried a lot over all of this and felt so stressed and depressed. (I’ve never had a bf, and suffer from anxiety and depression) But I’m feeling much better now that I’ve kind of gotten over him, and have realized he isn’t good boyfriend material for me. I’m still curious though, why does he randomly text me out of the blue, apologize for ignoring me, and then do it again??

- Emily - 01-16-2013 09:49 AM

he may be playing hard to get or hes just like the feeling of being hot and cold towards girls =\

- confidenceiskey - 01-16-2013 09:55 AM

some guys are completely unreliable at hitting you back, and its just their nature with almost all females.... you can continue to wait weeks or days for the very late responses or move on to someone who can answer you back in a reasonable amount of time

- Michael - 01-16-2013 10:03 AM

He's playing a game with you and he's a shithead for doing so. From recent experience, being very open with a girl can be a good or bad thing depending on the girl. The girl I was talking to was a bad seed so I ended up getting burned. Clearly if it still bothers you, you haven't totally moved on from him. If you feel he's worth it, confront him about it. If not, beat it.

- ezio - 01-16-2013 10:10 AM

I think he must have thought the "playing hard to get" would work. A lot of guys think that and end up being jerks.

If I didn't text back the first time, it might be because I was very nervous. But every time like that is just ridiculous.

One guess I have is that he might be trying to date that girl he talked to online and then talking to you in case things don't work out (so he keeps in touch for backup) Sad It's just a guess. The only way to find out would be to confront him.

- Jack - 01-16-2013 10:14 AM

he is telling you he is interested in you but at the same time being uninterested.