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How do I get her to stop? - Printable Version

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How do I get her to stop? - Gabzz - 10-11-2012 03:51 PM

Okay so there is this girl that WILL NOT leave me and my boyfriend alone. She is OBSESSED with my boyfriend, and obsessed with ruining my reputation. Me and her were friends a few years ago, but I cannot stand her now. We stopped being friends because she was a ***** to everyone and she is crazy. So she dated my boyfriend for a week a while back. She is still obsessed with him, constantly calling, texting and messaging him. He always ignores her, and tells her to leave him alone. Then she will post on Facebook and twitter that I am a whore, that I have std's, and a bunch of other not true things that are really annoying. I attempted ignoring her, but then she started verbally attacking my family in her snarky comments, saying things about my parents, siblings and aunt who has downs syndrome and is dying. I went straight up to her and went off on her, and told her she needs to cut the crap before I get physical. If she continues, I am not afraid to get physical. She is always asking my boyfriend to have sex with her, to take her back, to leave me, and every time he says no. You think she would have gotten it by now. Then she is going to my friends saying " you know that Kyle still loves me right? He just won't admit it. He will come back" then they go at her too. Nobody likes this girl. At all. She is the most annoying human being on this planet. She won't leave me, my boyfriend, my friends or my family alone. OH and she messages my older brothers telling them that I am a whore and all this stuff, thankfully they don't believe it because they know I tell them everything. So how do I get her to back off before I loose it and get physical ?
My parents have already tried talking to hers, they don't care. They let her do whatever she wants

- DLA - 10-11-2012 03:59 PM

get physical! (and film it for me)

- Thalmor Justiciar - 10-11-2012 03:59 PM

Ah, the obsessed chicks again. All you need to do, IS KILL HER-Lol No. You definitely tell her to back off, this girl can't just do horrible things like that to you. Confront her, and speak to her very seriously.

- Edward - 10-11-2012 03:59 PM

I had a problem like this a year ago. If you're still in school, get some teacher or principal to talk to her and get her to shut up. If not, haha then get physical.

- Thich - 10-11-2012 03:59 PM

Don't light a bigger fire. Right now there's a fire. If you get physical you'll only make it get bigger till it explodes into a huge mess. Continue ignoring her. No one believes her. If you really hate the ways she's a acting tell her to get a life and that "Kyle" doesn't like her. Or make Kyle go to her face and just say something like "Leave me alone. Were done. We've been done. Your a great girl and all, but I've moved on. Just accept the fact." Don't be like "GET THE **** OFF ME AND STFU!" That'll just make things worse.

- Felecia - 10-11-2012 03:59 PM

Im pretty sure you did everything you can. The only things left are talking to the police....maybe or just talk to her mom or dad and they can hopefully tell her to stop.

- bubbly - 10-11-2012 03:59 PM

This is crazy tell a the school consuler get her parents envoled and make sure they know what shes been saying she harassing you and your family go to the police if you have to change cell #'s I might even sue these things can go along way even if she says she didn't mean it you have to talk to some one to get her to stop

- Katie - 10-11-2012 03:59 PM

IF she is posting false accusations on face book or through other media, you can sue her for defimation of character. That is so much more gratifiying than beating her up and going to jail. Also, be aware that the first complaint is not always taken seriously but it is a start. Some people start crawling out of the woodwork (so to speak ) and will have their own dramas with her and may never speak up until they are waiting for THE BRAVE ONE to push through this.
Also, if you are of school age there are counselors there and they can help you and you will have that on record should it ever come to a physical situation between you both and this documentations by Authority figures will carry a lot of weight.

The pen is mightier than the sword.
anybody can hit anybody, and bruises and cuts and broken bones heal. But the right words just keep on in the head and that is the best revenge. and should put a stop to it if she is close to normal.