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What will mark zuckerberg do with all the information on Facebook? - Printable Version

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What will mark zuckerberg do with all the information on Facebook? - E - 01-16-2013 09:40 AM

Have you ever wondered what will happen to all the personal information stored on Facebook? We already know it is being sold to companies but who is to say that initimate information is being used to control the masses. Millions of people use Facebook but do they realize that information no longer belongs to them and someone else can use it against them in a cruel world. Imagine he is now more powerful than most security systems in place across the world because of the way people freely tell their life story on Facebook. But nobody monitors the FB company as to what it does with all that information.

- Lulu - 01-16-2013 09:42 AM

I believe their business plan is to continue to sell your information and to find new markets for this type of personal data.

We need stronger laws to protect user's on line privacy in North America. In Europe the laws are very strict about what can be viewed or shared without someone's knowledge or consent. The Europeans have the right idea about this.

It's bad enough that by "liking" something you are virtually giving your permission for your name to be used in advertising for that product or service in your friends' news feed, but who knows what information is being sold to banks, insurance companies, employment agencies, etc.

Every time the general population of Facebook makes a big fuss over the lack of privacy, FB puts a band-aid on the filters giving the illusion of being able to control your privacy. Then they do a new release of the interface that they claim is going to make it more attractive, easier to use, etc., but in fact removes more of the privacy safeguards. Then you have to spend time looking for some way to put them back on, and some of the safeguards just disappear forever.