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What is the MOST effect way to create a web presence for my website? - Printable Version

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What is the MOST effect way to create a web presence for my website? - Deon J - 01-16-2013 09:42 AM

I want to know thee quickest most effective way to market my clothing website. The web address is

- aboutall - 01-16-2013 09:47 AM

I think you should buy some ads from high traffic websites as in facebook.

- Walter B - 01-16-2013 09:51 AM

I have over 70 wordpress blogs.

Go here,, select website button, then enter your URL into the webpage box, and click get keyword ideas. This will give you lots of keywords related to your website.

First, you need to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Get this book: Search Engine Optimization-An Hour a Day by Grapone and Couzin.

I use the Flexibility 2 1.0 for my Theme. It's free.

Next, you need to get backlinks. That is, you need to have a lot of Google high page rank websites pointing to your blog.

One way to get back links is to write articles and submit them to article directories like EzineArticles, GoArticles, etc. Sprinkle your articles with keywords and link back to your blog using anchor text with HTML, e.g., <a href=">This is anchor text.</a>.

Next, you should have a bio or resource box at the bottom of your article that has links back to your blog. Just Google "resource box" for examples.

Then, you need some plugins like Adsense-deluxe, Akismet, AntiVirus, Bad behavior, Easy Privacy Policy, Google XMl Sitemaps, Sabre, Video Embedder, Wordpress Automatic Upgrade, WP-DBManager, WP Google Analytics, WP Tags for Technorati, What would seth godin do, Ultimate Plugins Smart Update Pinger, and Platinum SEO Pack.

Next you need to create accounts with Social Network sites, Social Bookmaking sites, Video Sites, and RSS sites like Feedage.

Then you must connect your blog to all those sites.

When you complete all this work, you will see your blog on page 1 of Google and start making money.

Oh, I almost forgot, you need an autoresponder like aweber or getresponse to collect email addresses by giving away a free ebook or course. Remember this - the money is in the list.

- Micheal - 01-16-2013 09:59 AM

viisit this website to get the quickest and most effective way

they will show you how to get thousands of traffic visitors