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Is it possible to learn ballet online? - Printable Version

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Is it possible to learn ballet online? - Alyssa - 01-16-2013 09:42 AM

Well, i want to learn ballet. It's simple. I can do Sign Language, Italian, French, and English. I can draw nearly professionally. I have a rocking sense of style. I have a great voice. In dresses, I wear a 2 petite. I have the life everyone wants. But i want to learn ballet. I can already do other dancing styles. But this is not going to be something I pick up on the street. If you have any ideas where I should go on the interweb to teach me to be a ballerina, then DM me or mention me on twitter, @WheelerzGurl
Thanks for all the help and i hope all of you chase your dreams and achieve them.
Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.

- pigpenguin91 - 01-16-2013 09:51 AM

Learning ballet online is not possible. To properly learn ballet, you need to take class with a professionally trained teacher, and one who can give you hands on corrections. Trying to teach yourself will result in poor technique, and quite likely some injuries, as ballet is a complex form of dance, and learning it incorrectly is very bad for the body. If you really want to learn ballet, find a local studio and sign up for beginner teen/adult classes.

- Tember - 01-16-2013 09:55 AM

You can......but then you can't, and hold up, hold up, HOLD UP; Ballet is NOT simple. You could learn what the moves look like and replicate them, but you won't be learning the classical style of ballet, and your technique will be all wrong, so... depends how well you want to do it. I would really enroll in classes since your life is "what everybody wants" I'm sure you'll be able to afford it, no? I would ease up on the aditude a little, we didn't need the life story and bragging.
Keep being a unicorn!

- dancer12 - 01-16-2013 10:03 AM

You can however, it won't be as easy to learn because you don't have a ballet teacher there or anyone there to motivate you. So it will be harder.

- mintchips49 - 01-16-2013 10:10 AM

Ballet is all about perfection of movement and there is only one right way to do things within each ballet method. Copying the foot and arm positions you see in a video wont mean that you are doing it correctly. You need to be engaging the right muscles and in proper body alignment to get there even when it is as simple as the 5 basic positions of ballet. That is hard enough to do with a teacher's eyes and hands on you for corrections. If you don't do it correctly, aside of building poor habits that will be harder to break once you get real training, you can get injured. Ballet all comes from your turnout and you need to learn to engage the muscles deep within your hips and pelvic floor. Not an easy task and impossible if you don't have a teacher to show you. Another major factor is that you need a sprung or floating floor to work on or you will get joint injuries, shin splints, possible stress fractures and most definitely chronic achilles tendinitis if you put any real time into it. You really cannot work on a floor that has no "give.".
Trying to learn ballet online is not like learning sign language or drawing. It is not even like leaning other dance styles like street or club dance or hip hop. That is possible to do. Trying to learn ballet online is like trying to learn how to fly a plane online or how too swim online without any water to swim in.
Find a teen beginner ballet class or teen/adult beginner class and start enjoying ballet. FYI the title "ballerina" is the title given to the top female ballet dancer in a professional ballet company. Most professional ballet dancers ar not ballerinas.

- Steph - 01-16-2013 10:15 AM

Not correctly