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Anyone else fed up of social sites such as twitter? - Printable Version

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Anyone else fed up of social sites such as twitter? - tinypet238 - 01-16-2013 09:44 AM

I think facebook was so big that now that its dying out, you really do believe that youve seen and experienced all you can with social networking. Alot of people have deleted their fb and havnt looked back at sites like these. What do you think?
abraXus: Oooooookay then you really helped a lot, however please spare me the grammatical correctness. Its not what I asked for -.-
Thanks everyone else Smile a lot! haha

- abraXus - 01-16-2013 09:50 AM

i think you are wrong, and let me also point out that "alot" is actually 2 words, not one...

it should be typed "a lot"

"alot" is not a word

- koko - 01-16-2013 09:58 AM

I like twitter just for following a few interesting people, but i hat facebook and those sort of sites where people add everyone they've ever met. I think life was better when people kept their private lives private. If you want to stay on touch with people pick up the bloody phone!

- Hannah - 01-16-2013 09:59 AM

I hate facebook, they have totally killed it, and they have changed it way to much, i still use it thought because some of my friends are not on twitter. I know twitter its very popular at the moment, people like using the hashtags a lot.

- Giussepe - 01-16-2013 10:03 AM

A conspiracy has arisen over the existence of FB as a "cia/iao" controlled site that mines our information and seeks to rule and enslave us all gradually into the mythical "nwo" that can have a track on all of our information at their leisure and backed by Obama signing the ndaa corrupt law it's forces have become stronger., this seems like a made up thing but it all seems to be part of their agenda and it's this fear of being controlled that has truly given fb a drop in it's users. It's convenience to communicating with others is always nice, and is what keeps on absorbed on these social sites. They are tools for the rulers to trafik us and concentrate us.. yet they are the basis of alot of peoples social lives. Innovation of the elites is their way to keep on making "new" methods and cyber-forms of communication- when you felt like you have seen it all they seem to catch our eye with a new cult website or social utility. I think you need to mainly take a close watch on your information and remain safe from hackers and "elitists" and you should be fine.. where the most extreme idea would be to have us all delete our accounts and end the social sites. #CyberRevolt

- I like bands - 01-16-2013 10:07 AM

Nope. If I dislike a social networking website, I won't get an account nor will I engage or bring it up in conversation.
I think they are very useful though.
I have a Facebook and it helps me connect with my father who works away for long periods of time (phone reception sucks) and other friends and family.
I have twitter. I like it because I can follow my favourite bands, celebrities and things I like and get regular updates and talk to new people.

I think all social networking sites have their ups and downs, ya know? x

- Daniel - 01-16-2013 10:10 AM

No im Not Fed Up With Social Sites Not me

- Blade Of Glory - 01-16-2013 10:15 AM

i never use twitter
i will use Facebook to keep upto date with family/friends

- Cooper - 01-16-2013 10:18 AM

I've never used sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Looks like I'm not the only one who is tired of this stuff. It didn't appeal to me when it first showed up and now I'm definitely opposed to it today. Facebook has had it's 15 minutes of fame, and it's done. This is why so many people are leaving their accounts behind. I expect the same to happen with Twitter, shortly. Not to worry, something "better" is sure to come along. But I probably won't be joining that bandwagon either.

- Jester - 01-16-2013 10:22 AM

i am the same as koko i have twitter but shut facebook down 6 months ago.
sick of all the bickering/fights especially from family lol