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How to make friends now a days? - Printable Version

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How to make friends now a days? - skyline - 01-16-2013 09:47 AM

i'm in my early 30's been married for year now and both of us have no friends. i'm not sure what's going on, we're both nice, hard working, sweet people and they say let people come into your life but that hasnt' worked out as well. People at work have lived in this town forever and have kids, they're older also. For fun we like to go out to movies, coffee, clubs (here and there) and i go to the gym almost 5-6 days a week. Even the people at the gym are not very chatty or friendly to be quite honest, I've tried approaching a few people but i think to them it is just making me seem desperate or something so i stopped talking to people randomly at the gym. I feel like this whole fbook/twitter/ has made people so anti-social, i remember in my late teens early twenties people would just talk to you everywhere you went.

- nia - 01-16-2013 09:52 AM

just relax be social and approachable don't be creepy talk about interest

- Andrew - 01-16-2013 10:01 AM

Well i'm only 20 years old, but yea fbook and twitter has definitely made people anti social for sure. We even talked about this in my anthropology class. But yea, just put on a smile, and look approachable. You said you hang out at a coffee house so you could make friends there. I dont see how the hell you can make friends at a club going together as a couple since most people are there to try an get someone to sleep with them that same night. But yea go out for a walk, go to sporting events! you can easily make friends there, maybe chat up employees at places you go to. Its not too hard. Just be friendly, and give compliments, that always make people light up inside.