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What do you think about my wife's web site? - Printable Version

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What do you think about my wife's web site? - Shaun - 01-16-2013 09:53 AM

and by that I mean Layout and features. i just want feedback i'm not trying to spam.
is their anything you would change or improve upon

- Kevin - 01-16-2013 09:55 AM

Hi Shaun,

You're wife has some beautiful art on there.

In my opinion, there are some basic problems with the website.

First, and most important, is visibility in Google. You have very little text on here and without that Google will not be able to build a index of the content. If you're not indexed, you wont rank on Google. At least use your blog to discuss the pictures you have, where they came from, how they were produced, etc. I'm guessing you'll want to target an audience interested in buying prints/art of Newfoundland. Make sure you use "Art" and "Newfoundland" across the site and in most blog posts.

Second, get some social proof visible on event page of your website - Facebook 'Faces' boxes, Twitter counts, Google + likes, etc. Having a single "Click to like on Facebook" in the main menu is neither the right pace or the right style. People love to see that other people have visited your website and bought your art too. That will give them confidence to buy. You already have 28 likes on your FB page, get that information onto your website too!

Third, get a picture of your wife onto your about page. Have her write about herself, not just her business. This is, again, about building up confidence in your prospects to part with their money. Making a real connection to a real person goes a long way towards that.

Fourth, get rid of the ads on your site. If your purpose is to make money for your products then pushing people off your website to their products is a mistake. Use the space to present your own 'ads' - banners about "20% off", etc will help your purchases.

I have some other ideas too, but these were my first impressions.

I'm very happy to help you and your wife succeed with this. Just post your questions here, or on my Facebook page. No cost - just giving back to the community.

- will i - 01-16-2013 10:00 AM

Home page...looks plain, simple and amateur. Too plain. Spice it up a bit.
About Us...looks like the best page to me.
Blog...I don't get it. Doesn't seem like a "blog" at all to me.

I would also advise better water marks that are centered on the photo. What is stopping someone from copying the pics and cutting off the bottom 1 inch margin?

You should also explain on the home page what payment methods u accept. Put a pic of Visa/Mastercard/Paypal or whatever forms you accept.

I think the whole facebook marketing strategy is a sham. FB is for kids looking to gossip. If they wanted to shop, I'm sure they would go to a retail site, not shop on FB. Sure, you can get a thousand kids who don't know 99% of their fb friends to like it, but are they gonna buy anything? Would you fill out a review card in a restaurant if they didn't give you the option to "dislike" it? It's also monitored by the gvmnt, so I'm sure it's a pretty good way to get audited. Especially if they see you making $$$ and want to make sure they are getting their proper cut. I would try selling your service on ebay or craigslist first, at least there are people there spending money.

Also, under "SHOP", you should put the photos into categories...such as "nautical" or "wildlife", etc.