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+--- Thread: IF TIM TEBOW DIED, WOULD THE WORLD STOP TURNING? (/thread-54501.html)


I think Tebow is a great athlete, but he's a 3rd string quarterback getting all the attention. Ever heard of Peyton Manning or Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady? Ever heard of Adrian Peterson or Megatron? All these guys are Christians, but don't get as much recognition as Tebow. Most NFL players weren't raised by Christian missionaries like Tebow, yet they still give to charities while having success. RGIII is religious, but noone seems to care. I know he's black, but he's still a human being. Tebow will start in the NFL someday, but coaches know he isn't an elite qb yet. He completed 46.5% of his passes last year with Denver. And how do we know he's a virgin? lol. He could be asexual like me. He could be gay. Maybe he's a ladies man and doesn't need a girlfriend. I don't know. Anybody hear what his brother did on twitter last night? classy!

- crookedroad329 - 01-16-2013 10:00 AM

nope the world has turned for Billions of yers before Tebow and wil do so long after Tebow is turned back to dust

- Respectedlock954 - 01-16-2013 10:03 AM

No but Christains will stop watching the Jets or football.

- Foshua - 01-16-2013 10:09 AM

Yeah, that happened.

- Elliott N - 01-16-2013 10:18 AM

Tebow does get more press coverage than he is due. Everyone says he is not NFL material, but the Jets never gave him a chance to fail. He won a playoff game with the Broncos something Peyton Manning has yet to do with them. Tim Tebow needs a chance to succeed or fail. He was the main reason the Broncos even made the playoffs and he led them to a playoff win, yet they traded to a team that refused to use him. Hopefully someone will give him a chance to prove the "experts" wrong. Those same "experts" said the Broncos and the Packers would be in the Super Bowl, but both teams were eliminated. His personal life has little to do with his professional life and what he does and believes is a private matter. The world will go on with or without Tim Tebow.

- tigers2424 - 01-16-2013 10:26 AM

He was great in college and did okay in his first year. He made as many mistakes as he did good. He is becoming another bust just like Matt Leinart and this is coming from a USC fan !!!

- The Lone Wolverine - 01-16-2013 10:29 AM

I didn't even know those other dudes were Christians, and that's kind of the point. No one else harps on it like Tebow has since back in college. College is also the reason we know Tebow is a virgin, because he went and told everyone as if it's anyone's business. Unless things have changed, but again, not my business, don't care. And as far as I'm concerned, Ray Lewis' little religious breakdown last night after the game is the same type of was just way too much. He acted like God himself played and won the game, like players and coaches had nothing to do with it when I spent, like, 4 & 1/2 hours watching players and coaches. There's a fine line between letting people know your faith and just going on and on to where it feels like it's pushed on people. When you go on and on about it, of course people will notice. I mean, shows like SportsCenter showed his little breakdown repeatedly.