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How can my band get signed? - loadupyoursixshotbaby - 01-16-2013 10:08 AM

Basically me and my band want to make it big and we're wondering how we need to do this and what we will need to do to get that far. XD

- Jason W - 01-16-2013 10:16 AM

Practice practice practice practise gigs gigs gigs practice practice practice gigs gigs gigs

- gamer76 - 01-16-2013 10:18 AM

make some songs and post them on any website you possibly can.. make a youtube page and post them on youtube, make cd's and hand them out for free at first.. build a fan base and eventually work your way up and get better with time and if you truly dedicate yourself to getting your music out there and putting effort into it then everything will work out.. but it will take time and much much hard work

- Alice - 01-16-2013 10:20 AM

It's basic, really. Practice hard. Get yourself into as many gigs as possible, small ones are good, the bigger the better. Why not google up a local recording studio? You can book time there to rehearse and record with professionals. It may be costly, but they'll be able to get you advice about it. They're usually anything between £10 - £60 per hour. Don't forget, not everyone will be a fan of your music. Try doing videos/covers on Youtube, too. Media is the best way for trying to become 'big'. Good luck!

- CCB - 01-16-2013 10:21 AM

I'm in the same boat as you man. Trying to make it big with my band too. but these are some things you can do:
1) Practice
You have to practice, practice, and practice. It'll help you as musicians. Just jam out on some stuff. After awhile you will be so used to each others playing that it will be extremely easy to write stuff. Take practice seriously too, i know some people i've played with don't take it seriously and put random sh*t ahead of it, Make sure you have serious musicans who don't come just to joke around.
2)Use Social Media
Make your band a Facebook page. Tell all your friends to go like it. Make a twitter page for your band. I've seen friends in other bands use this technique on twitter to get listeners. Go to a band that influences yall's music's or band similar to yall's style's Twitter and go through and follow all of their followers. That will expose them to you and they will check you out. Another site to use is called ReverbNation. You can post songs,pictures, videos, show announcements, etc. Great tool for musicians! Make your band a YouTube channel as well. If you guys get a song written but haven't recorded it yet... Just video yourself playing it and post it on your band's FB, Twitter, Reverb Nation, etc asking friends to check it out and give you feedback
Play as many shows as you get the chance too. If there are coffee shops or bars near you... go play at their open mic night.. if everything goes well.. ask if you might could book a show their one night. Become friends with others in your local music scene. Ask them for advice on booking shows, recording, etc.

Thats a short list. If need any more tips, feel free to hit me up. I can also give advice on home recording and other things like that. Good luck man!

- spew bull - 01-16-2013 10:27 AM

what dya want to be signed for? being independant is better.

social networking.


get everyone to spread the wrd. and of course, make good music.

- Matt - 01-16-2013 10:34 AM

What record labels look for these days is a strong following.

Ultimately, to get that you have to have great music, a great image and put on a great show.

Be engaging and embrace all forms of social media (without spamming)

The more people you attract, the more you will get the labels attention.

Don't under estimate the pro's of being an independent band though, but of course, this takes a lot of work.

Keep practising at being the best you can be, and you'll get there.