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I hate myself a lot lately, what should I do? - Printable Version

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I hate myself a lot lately, what should I do? - Lovey - 01-16-2013 10:17 AM

I'm 16 and I'm a junior in high school. I've been involved in special ed since I was in 5th grade and I really don't know why. I've been in academic support classes with kids who have mental problems, and I don't. I come from a dysfunctional family (my parents divorced when I was 4 and my mom isn't legally sane because she has mental illness, and my dad has MS and so therefore has to undergo a lot of medical stuff (for hearing, dental, has trouble walking around) and my mom and dad (mostly my mom) have been violent since I was in maybe kindergarten, and I tried to tell anyone about it but there's really nothing anyone can do anymore). I think that might have something to do with them putting me in special ed, because of everything happening they decided that I had a learning disability, which I don't, and made me do it. It was humiliating because I had aides following me everywhere and basically doing the work for me, and it was terrible. I'm really embarrassed about that, and even though I'm off it now, I have to take freshman level French and math because the special ed would not let me take a language and screwed with my education, which is totally humiliating. I'm still really embarrassed about taking math and French at a freshman level course, but they will not let me change it. I've been losing my hair and I feel really fat and ugly and stupid and unpopular, and feeling like I have no friends and I'm just doing things to embarrass myself. I feel like I'm not pretty enough because no one at my school likes me in that way, even though most of my friends have dated or are dating someone, and it's totally embarrassing. I feel like even my name is embarrassing, but if I change it I'll still be embarrassed for wanting to change it. I hate the way I dress, I feel like I look tacky all the time, my teachers try to help me keep up in class, which is humiliating, and I feel like things I say or do just embarrass me. It's terrible, I really can't keep going on like this, I need some way out. Help?

- Elizabeth Odom - 01-16-2013 10:25 AM

Hey Lovey! i cried reading that! that is sad, and im so sorry you have to go through that, don't hate yourself though, its not your fault! i am really truly sorry!!!! but even tough you feel alone your not, if you need to talk you can find me on facebook or twitter

- SEA - 01-16-2013 10:28 AM

if you need someone to talk to or even a friend here is my mail address! e-mail me and i try my best to hep you!