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Do you absolutely need Facebook or Twitter to play Japan Life for iPhone? - Printable Version

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Do you absolutely need Facebook or Twitter to play Japan Life for iPhone? - natgirl311 - 01-16-2013 10:19 AM

I do not have Facebook or Twitter nor do I want them but I found Japan Life in the app store on my phone and really like it. It is asking me to do something that would require me to have one of those two social networking cites to seemingly fully proceed in the game. Is there a way around that?

- Amazinggun457 - 01-16-2013 10:27 AM

Of course, Japan Life wouldn’t be a social game if you didn’t socialize. You can travel to friends’ villages, or check out others via Facebook Connect.

If you’re not quite as socially inclined (or don’t feel like spamming your Facebook feed) you can always opt to visit the game’s computer characters to help them clean or run sales at their shops.