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Is Facebook played out getting old? - Printable Version

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Is Facebook played out getting old? - axpert989 - 01-16-2013 10:19 AM

It seems for the past few months i very rarely get any comments or even likes on my posts. Im starting to wonder if FB is running its course and getting a little played out. I even tried deactivating my account and even said i was for a few days then posted "Im back: and nada. Most of my friends(about 60-70%) on FB are from a job I had about 5 years back. We where a close bunch back then. Perhaps time has separated us and we are no longer relevant to each other or not much any ways. Ps...37 yo male adult....Not that FB is a big deal im just curios...Any thoughts?

- David Ortiz - 01-16-2013 10:29 AM

Yeah man everyone abandoned facebook. They're all on stupid twitter now. I really hope they do something big on FB to bring everyone back, it's still really cool to me!

- abraXus - 01-16-2013 10:34 AM

my friends are all still plenty active - i guess it all depends on who your friends are

- Daniel - 01-16-2013 10:42 AM

Its Not Getting Old My Friends Still Are Posting things on it and Still are Using it I Guess it Depends on Who your Friends are and What There up to Maybe there all Busy and Dont have time to Use Facebook