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What Happened To Tumblr? - Printable Version

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What Happened To Tumblr? - StevieSinatra - 01-16-2013 10:48 AM

The app on my phone would not refresh, or let me use the search. When I tried to type in the URL in the internet search bar, it campe up with a pop up message saying google chrome cannot find the website. I don't understand what's going on. Is it just down, or did something more serious happen? Was there anything released about this that I just didn't hear of? Please let me know.
Also, if it does come back up, will all of my info (followers, posts, etc.) still be there?

- lulu! - 01-16-2013 10:48 AM

I was just wondering the same thing. The whole site is probably just down.

- ☮choccyis4me☮ - 01-16-2013 10:54 AM

The same thing happened to me, so I assumed it was just down for maintenance or whatever. A girl wrote on facebook that is was deleted, but I think she's being overdramatic and ignorant. She's kind of stupid anyway.

But yeah, if it is just down for maintenance which it probably is, your stuff should be a-ok.

- ? - 01-16-2013 10:59 AM

Yeah it's just down for right now, everything on your blog will be fine.

- ~ A ~ - 01-16-2013 11:01 AM

According to their Twitter - "We're experiencing slow loading or intermittent errors on certain pages and are working quickly to restore performance".

Now they are saying it's down for service maintenance. However, they've said when it starts working again, everyone's blogs and followers will be exactly the same.

Life is boring with it down, haha.

~ A ~