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How to forget somebody? - Printable Version

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How to forget somebody? - Sammy - 01-16-2013 11:39 AM

I just asked a question on how to get someone back. I see now that that was very immature. But i would at least want to know to forget about him. I see him every day and he'll just stare. Sometimes he'll ask my friends how i am and it just kills me, what do i do?? Sad

- Rana - 01-16-2013 11:47 AM

Time is the only thing you can do, you shouldn't ask about how he is even if he does and just be patient and try not to think about him that much (I know it's hard but try) , good luck :*

- Bekica - 01-16-2013 11:47 AM

If you really think you will not regret fortgetting him forever + never ever feel something for him,
these are the perfect tips:

- Rip all the photos of him and delete them from your computer/facebook/twitter etc.
- Delete all his messages also (you might regret this too, bcuz you won't be able to read them again if you wanna cuz fb will delete them forever, but it works absolutely)
- Don't get in contact with his friends and family
- Don't try to talk to him or get in contact with him again too, simply unfriend him or block him for some time on facebook
- You will feel broken even more for few weeks, but after some time, you will feel angry for him making you get trought all of this pain, that you will feel cold towards him

- after a few months find a new good friend or a nice boy that you will tell everything, and accept you, you can even maybe fall in love with someone later on

Please be careful, don't do this if you think you will regret it madly, but this all worked for me after a long realtionship which broke me apart.

- Jasmine - 01-16-2013 11:47 AM

forget every bad moment
remember the nice and beautiful moment
then all is bell