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When is the new iPhone 5 coming out? - Printable Version

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When is the new iPhone 5 coming out? - nicetoes452 - 01-16-2013 09:16 PM

Will it be $200 just like the other iPhones were? And will it be better than the Droid Incredible 2?
Thanks! Will they probably come out with a white and black iPhone 5?

- obedientspace515 - 01-16-2013 09:18 PM

I don't know the price. It's probably better than the Droid Incredible 2 because it could come with 4G. It's coming out in September 2011, released with iOS 5.

- Zachary - 01-16-2013 09:26 PM

That's what im wondering to and by the looks of apple and the companies I think that it might come out august-October this year because they made the iPhone white and the Iphone 4 was quickly out in stock...

Hope I helped


- rohit101 - 01-16-2013 09:35 PM Apple will be releasing two iPhone's this year, one year ahead of the normal played streak. There will be a low-end (obviously cheaper-in price model) and the highly anticipated iPhone 5, which should come out in market with the also very highly anticipated iOS 5. As far as the release date is concerned, the closest to exact I can get is September 5, 2011.
And, we all have various opinions on various general things, such as cellphones. You get which suits you best. To me, it won't be any different than the iPhone 4, which I love, and own. The Droid Incredible II is a totally different OS, and it makes it hard to compare. It probably will sell more than the Droid Incredible 2's but will not be as heavenly-like.

- kernel sanders - 01-16-2013 09:43 PM

IPhone 5 will not come out anytime this year... iPhone 4gs is next to come out with ios 5 and 4G capable, don't believe anybody who says the 5 is next to come out, its not... and yes it will eventually come out in white and black, but it will b black only for a lil bit

- Jerman - 01-16-2013 09:45 PM

there hasn't been an official release date, my bet is there going to keep holding out, until they can come up with something new and flashy to beat these android phone, and yes I think it will be black and white, but there also going back to a similar design of the iPhone 3gs. and no I really don't think it will be better than the best android phone (galaxy s2)

i personally say you get a android based phone.

Other features only on android
Turn-by-turn voice GPS
Better and larger screen
No need to connect to computer to sync
Here is a big one, add a sd card
Live wallpaper
Better calls
More customizable
More powerful hardware
Flash support, watch ALL the online video

And the iphones “retina display” is a huge scam. By definition a ‘retina display’ is one where the human eye cannot distinguish individual pixels. But this is determined by several factors; most important being the distance between the screen and your eyes. The iphones retina distance is 12in, move any closer than that- say 7in and it’s no longer a “retina screen” because your eyes can now see the pixels, by that same token, if I move my android phone back, to say 16-17in, amazingly, it becomes a retina screen as well! (feel free to google this)

Also apple never invents anything, all they do is steal old technology, give it a fresh coat of paint and mass advertise it as “magical” and “innovating”, thus fooling the mass of the population into believing that apple offers cutting edge technology, that in fact has been around for quite a few years.
So instead of innovating, apple actually hinders technology- after 4 years they still have low-power single core phones, while android, an example of technology in overdrive, has rumored that, after their second year, the release of quad core phones that will surpass even some desktop computers in shear processing power.

Apple should now feel pretty worried; android has passed it in market share

Then apple panics and sues
The funny thing is that apple can’t sue for being the first touchscreen or tablet, because they weren’t,(Nokia fist touch screen, “archos” first tablet) so instead they sue for much more relevant things like, “the rounded icon corners” and “having a flat screen” or “the square shape of the phone”……..

To top it all, if you’ve seen apples 2011 presentation, they blatantly copied over five "new" features that were previously on android.
1. Notification bar
2. Twitter integration
3. No need to connect to PC to sync
4. Launch apps from lock screen
5. Tabbed browsing

And not only are they copies, but apple didn’t even bother to improve, or change some of them in any way- some even have LESS features than their android counter parts, it’s basically a cheap imitation with the ever-popular iphone skin.
According to Steve jobs, these "revolutionary" new technologies that android users had since 2007 will be available on IOS5, and it would not surprise me to see some more android features from 2008 on IOS6.But the truly sad part is that due to apples marketing, in a few months, apple lovers will really think that apple invented those features and call android the copycats…yet again.