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Verry insecure person? - Printable Version

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Verry insecure person? - Jobert - 01-16-2013 10:09 PM

People compliment me most of the time and I know that I shouldn't be insecure but I know for a fact that I'm a verry handsome guy, well anyways I have a girlfriend we've together for 9 months, but I don't know why I am so insecure in my relationship, like I don't let her have facebook, Twitter, tumblr, instagram and I don't let her go on a guys profile page because I get so jealous and angry. I don't know why I'm like this.... It's ruining my relationship and I love her verry much...I need help, what should I do ? Please I need a serious answer no trolling.

- Catkeypurr - 01-16-2013 10:11 PM

It's time to see a therapist- seriously. You have already taken the first step by admitting you have a problem & taking responsibility for it but that won't change a thing.
Contact your local community mental health organization to see about some counseling or ask your doctor if they can recommend someone.
Best wishes!

- Raj - 01-16-2013 10:19 PM

Bro U madly love her.It is gud.Do one thing only try to trust on ur love.every thing will be ok.

- thomchez - 01-16-2013 10:27 PM

It's possible to be handsome and still have low self-esteem. What you are confessing is you get jealous and insecure about your wife and other men without any evidence of wrongdoing. This is not insecurity. This is control. You want to have control over situations and people and life just doesn't work like that. If you really love this woman, you have to learn something called trust. If you start learn to trust her you are certainly going to lose her to...another man. I know this may not be easy but start by not telling her she can't get on social media because as you well know. When you tell anybody something they can't do, they will make a way to do it anyway because they will rebel. Remeber she is your woman not your property. If she wanted to mess around on you, she would have been done it. Stop trying to control her and love and trust her. Both you and she will be happier.

- Starry-eyed - 01-16-2013 10:28 PM

You're trying to be controlling, over possessive and dominating. No girl likes her boyfriend to be like that. You need to give her some space. Moreover, you need to trust her.