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ok i got a vanilla visa and i need you? - Printable Version

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ok i got a vanilla visa and i need you? - Maria - 01-17-2013 01:38 AM

were can i go with a vanilla visa
i need a wicca store with crystal ball

- i like turtles - 01-17-2013 01:46 AM

ok, look at a local business directory

- Mackenzie - 01-17-2013 01:46 AM

Crystal balls are not from or integral to Wicca so there is simply no garauntee they would be in a Wiccan shop, but if it's more of a gift shop for all New Age & Occult catch-all things you might find one.

Check for local stores or online stores.

Be careful shopping for crystal balls-- a lot of them are not authentic. Real crystal is extremely cold... most people sell glass or even lucite.

- Nikole - 01-17-2013 01:46 AM

ok, there really isn't any "wiccan store" however, there are multiple stores that classify as Metaphysical and include a multitude of practices such as Wicca. If you have a vanilla visa, it works like any credit card and can be taken or used anywhere, including online. You can also use the visa on ebay, amazon, etc... If you are looking for a nice crystal ball that won't cost you an arm and leg, I recommend Ebay. If you are really savy you can go to and find the nearest locally owned pagan shop and support them by buying local (it helps your local economy too, as a little bonus).

If you are a facebooker you can also try here-
They offer cheap, great quality crystals for sale and have awesome little online fast bidding markets on occassion.

Happy Shopping!