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Did i waste 4 years of my life listening to Rush Limbaugh? - Printable Version

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Did i waste 4 years of my life listening to Rush Limbaugh? - Life - 01-17-2013 03:53 AM

i am a Republican.
I listened to Rush Limbaugh everyday for 4 years up til the election of Romney versus Obama
I thought sure with everything Rush said, Obama was never going to get elected again. Obama did

Now i am wondering if i wasted 4 years of listening to Rush.

- BrandonM - 01-17-2013 04:01 AM

regardless of all the opinions you will get regarding Rush, why do you feel like you wasted 4 years? Just because Obama got reelected and Rush thought he wouldn't? I don't understand why you would think that a political opinion show that you obviously enjoy listening to would be a waste of time just because one of his predictions didn't come true...Do you find his points interesting and/or valid? Do you find him to be informative? Do you enjoy listening to him? If the answers are yes, then no it's not a waste of time.

- unknowngender92 - 01-17-2013 04:01 AM

YES!!! lol. I'm a left-libertarian. Even though I'm left, I don't trust FOX or MSNBC. PBS is the best.

I like Obama more than Romney or McCain, but Obama's not as good as he sounded.

- CommonSense - 01-17-2013 04:01 AM

Any time spent on anything related to Limbaugh is a waste ( as it is with Howard Stern). These guys just say shirt to be controversial, and this draws in advertisers because people listen to their b.s. There is no other way for radio to compete with texting, facebook, and cell phones other than to "shock" people into listening. Neither could hold a normal job or do anything responsible, so they are left with flapping their jaws, telling lies and saying stupid things. And I guess it must be working at these jokers are multimillionaires because YOU are listening to them.

- ezelle - 01-17-2013 04:01 AM

Like smoking, it's never too late to stop. Limbaugh is Obama's secret weapon.

The radio networks that have paid Rush Limbaugh $400,000,000 for his bigotry and depravity are suddenly losing countless millions of dollars. According to radio industry analyst Norm Pattiz, in some markets advertising revenues from talk radio have dropped as much as fifty percent. About seventy percent of Limbaugh's sponsors don't know they are his sponsors. Thousands of us are contacting them to let them know, and many drop his show immediately.

Flush Rush:
Stop Rush: (searchable database of sponsors)
Twitter: #StopRush

Please join us. Flush Rush!