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i feel so different from everyone else.? - Printable Version

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i feel so different from everyone else.? - Star784 - 01-17-2013 04:47 AM

im 20 years old. ive never been in a relationship and im a virgin. I just feel sad because most people in my college are in a relationship. Its not even just that which worries me the most. I feel so different from everyone else. i cant relate to anyone. My music taste, my hobbies, my thinking is just so different. I dont like what guys are into. girls, sports, working out etc. i dont care for it. i dont like what everyone else likes..such as anything thats mainstream. im not on any social networking websites. no facebook, twitter, tumblr, instagram, myspace...NOTHING. and i dont wanna join those. i dont care for them. i dont wanna expose myself. I like to be a mystery. idk whats wrong though. idk why its so hard for me to meet anyone.. it just sucks. i never go out. i dont like parties or going to a gay club. its not my scene at all. im completely alone. i just wish i met someone thats like me. i like dark and mysterious guys. I feel like im being myself. but Maybe this is all a sign that im not meant to associate with most of the people in this world. and that there is not a lot of people that are like me. anyone i talk to i just feel like i cant relate. i dont know what anyone is talking about when it comes to things. i only have one female friend and no one else.. no guy friends. i never had a guy friend EVER. i feel like no one understands who i am. what should i do about this?

- Aria - 01-17-2013 04:55 AM

Oh, don't worry. There are people who do understand you. Like me. I'm not like you. But I know how you feel and I understand your problem.

It IS hard to be different from everybody else. But eventually, if you just open up a little bit, you can find a friend and maybe someone to spend the rest of your life with.

My advice: Open up a bit more. You're obviously an introvert. But it will really help you if you open up a bit. Go to a party when you get the chance. Meet new people. It's never too late to try. Smile
You don't have to relate that much to be friends. Me and my best friend... We're almost total opposites. Haha. Don't worry about it too much. Just try to open up. Smile