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I hate my first name, but my parents aren't keen on changing it? - Printable Version

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I hate my first name, but my parents aren't keen on changing it? - Lulu - 01-17-2013 04:57 AM

Since Day 1 I've disliked my first name. My father chose my name as an option, and my brother, at the age of 4 years old, chose it, as he was given the big decision. He even says that he doesn't really like my name either, anymore!
Some name choices for me were:

I really love all of these names, and they were all chosen by my mother. Yet, my father decides to choose a name which is dangerously close to the pronunciation of female genitalia... and I've been teased and taunted about my name for years. I'm really losing self-confidence, and I refuse to use my real name on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr... you get the idea. My name means "Silver / Precious Stone", but no-one takes that into account. I've been called a numerous amount of stupid, rude nicknames / names, and when a teacher calls out my name in the Register, everyone laughs at me. Nobody pronounces my name right, not even half of my extended family! I'm just giving up on myself.
You see from the list above the name "Yasmine", well that's my second-first name. So I have a double barrel first name. I'd love to be called Yasmine, but I'm not going to attempt to convince anyone until my parents have legally signed all required documents for the changes to happen. The smallest I require is swapping the position of my first/second names (change my first name to Yasmine, rather than this one...). However, my parents refuse to do this, and I doubt waiting until the age of 18 is going to do me any justice, since I'll feel guilty that they're not going along with the idea. My first name begins with "L", by the way, and my screen name ranges from Luchia, Lucy, Lulu, Lana, Laura, Lacy... etc. All kinds of names, basically, and I'd be happen to have any of them in return for my real name.
Another main issue is how my religion doesn't allow any of those names. I'm a muslim, so if anyone knows any suitable Islamic names beginning with L, that would also come in handy. I've told my closest friends about the issue, who also tease me about my name, and agree that Yasmine's a much better name and suits me much more. Some people find my name "exotic" but I just don't see it, at all. Help me out here; I'm all alone on this one!
My name is Loujaina by the way. *Loo-jay-na*

- Juliet - 01-17-2013 05:05 AM

Yasmine is a beautiful name. My first Daughters name is Yasmine and my second Daughters name is Autumn. I wish i knew your first name though.. would be easier to judge

- Umm..Okay - 01-17-2013 05:05 AM

I wish i knew your first name, but anyway how about lisa.....

- KlaineOnTheBrain - 01-17-2013 05:05 AM

I think your name is gorgeous!

- Aelethir - 01-17-2013 05:05 AM

Wow, that's interesting. Yasmine is beautiful, and since you already have the name I'm assuming it's acceptable. I find it shocking that your parents won't simply swap the positioning, have you explained how uncomfortable you are with your name, and how much people tease you about it? Worst case scenario, you simply go by your second name. I do that occasionally, and know several people who do. When you turn eighteen you can legally change it yourself, but having your parents allow it now is certainly much more desirable. Try reasoning with them, and if that doesn't work just go by Yasmine while awaiting independence.

Good luck Smile

-Logan/Matthew lol

- EasyDo - 01-17-2013 05:05 AM

You are a Muslim are you? ... Well, I was raised as a Christian, but I'll try to help you all the same. In the Bible we are taught to "Honour thy father and thy mother." There is a similar teaching in your Koran. (yes, I have read that book too.) ......... Regardless of whether you are of a young age or an adult age, you cannot be true to your religion & go against it's teachings whatever you happen to think of them. (This holds true for All religions). ALL young people feel this way at some time or another. If your parents gave you a certain name & refuse to change it, then you must know that that chosen name is 'special' to them for some reason, even if they will not tell you what it is. .. I would be disappointed in your parents if they agreed to change your name. ... If for some reason you have a "Stage-Name" or a "Screen-Name" that is completely different from your Given name, you can justify this by saying that it's for your,to protect your real name & so on. This is Not a lie, it is the truth for many people. .... I know I have not given you the answer you wanted, but I do hope that you will better understand & accept your Real name now. ......... (even though you are a muslim)

- sandra bennett - 01-17-2013 05:05 AM

I love the name Yasmin go with that one

- Charl<3 - 01-17-2013 05:05 AM

I like Yasmine it's gorgeousSmile and your name isn't that bad I don't think

- Maddy - 01-17-2013 05:05 AM

Yasmine is a very pretty name. And your name isn't that bad as you think. Its unusual-but pretty. I couldn't imagine anyone teasing at your name.

- Joey got engaged!! - 01-17-2013 05:05 AM

What? I know Muslims named Lucy, Lana and Laura - a religion can't stop a NAME.

Also, I know so many muslims with the weirdest of names, and no one ever gives them a hard time about their names.

Why can't you just choose the nickname Jane. What's wrong with that? You can even ask your school to put Jane or Lucy on the register - mine did this for me.