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Why are electronics so addictive? - Printable Version

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Why are electronics so addictive? - VelcroLacey - 01-17-2013 06:53 AM

I try to stay off electronics around bedtime but I almost always end up on them late into the night. I try to stop playing on my iPod or checking my phone but its hard. I turn off my phone at night but I use my iPod as an alarm or I charge it then so it's ready to go in the morning. When its sitting on my dock/ clock it tempts me. Does anyone have any advice on how to stay off electronics before bed? Or does anyone have the answer to why electronics are addictive? Thank you!

- Lilly - 01-17-2013 07:01 AM

Honestly, what are you using the electronics for? I have Fios internet and I found electronics to be addictive then, however I'm using DSL right now because I only have time for work.

Depending on what you use that is related to electronics, you'll be highly addicted. Gaming? You're addicted to gaming. Tech? You're addicted to gadgets. Music? You're addicted to music. Reading? I don't think you're addicted to reading. Social? Ha, my friends are all addicted to that (twitter, instagram, facebook, text, Skype, etc).

You can be like my mother, paranoid about everything in the news. She believes that EMF (electric magnetic fields emitted from electronics) is shown to cause cancer based on some TV report. Also paranoid about the radio waves emitted from phones (which have said to cause brain tumors).

Hey, but I think electronics have been built to be addictive... I mean the good electronics are so useful! Depending on how you use your iPod/phone, they can be time wasters, personal assistants, or research tools, as well as communication and social products. Really, they were built with both consumers and business users alike.

Speaking of paranoid and useful, look at The Singularity and you'll begin to think, "Damn, this might actually become reality." Electronics are going to take over your life... Hehehehe... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

No, I'm kidding. Electronics right now are very basic and really are built around letting you enjoy and improve your life.

By the way, I use Android, so I probably should be using electronics more than you (Android has too much customization and features), and I have at one time. But then, I went back to PC gaming and really, I find an electronic device such as a phone or in your case, (maybe) an iPod, as a useful tool that you use from time to time. Obviously, if you're doing nothing, then spending time on your electronics is just fine (I really hope that it isn't causing you to decide not to get up and do what you need, though).