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Is it just me or are more women getting tattoos? Are women the new market for tattoo businesses? - Printable Version

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Is it just me or are more women getting tattoos? Are women the new market for tattoo businesses? - wassupp! - 01-17-2013 11:14 AM

where I come from, many men have tattoos, some for cultural purpose and some just for art. BUT, I notice that the men who keep coming back for more tattoos are running out of space to put them. Are tattoo artist now focusing on marketing on women?

- wingman - 01-17-2013 11:22 AM

I don't like women with tattoos. Why put graffiti on women's bodies?

A lot of black women are into tattoos for some reason-- young and old

- Daigoro - 01-17-2013 11:22 AM

are you a kiwi? yeah alot of women are, i think its the whole women can do whatever men can attitude these days.

- Violentcave455 - 01-17-2013 11:22 AM

I think more women are getting tattoos now days because they are becoming more and more socially acceptable. Tattoos are no longer as "taboo" as they used to be so women are feeling more comfortable getting them. I have two and they both represent something very special to me. I became interested in tattoos when I was about 14-15 when I saw some really great ones and realized they are "Art". I love my tattoos and don't regret getting them. I got my first tattoo 2 years ago right after my 18th birthday then my second about 7 months after that in memory of my grandpa who passed from cancer 5 months earlier.

- Ally - 01-17-2013 11:22 AM

I don't know about more women getting them, I just think women are becoming more comfortable showing them off.

- arietta - 01-17-2013 11:22 AM

These days a lot more women are getting tattooed as there's less social stigma concerning them than there was years ago.
Not so long ago, tattoos were mainly a "male" thing in many countries, and any women who got a tattoo was instantly stereotyped/criticized etc.

There's an interesting article here: