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A Guy Who Is Trying to Date Me Talks to Other Girls Online Behind My Back. What Do I Do? Can I Trust Him? - Printable Version

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A Guy Who Is Trying to Date Me Talks to Other Girls Online Behind My Back. What Do I Do? Can I Trust Him? - Lynn - 01-17-2013 11:40 AM

3 weeks ago I got a random facebook message from a guy I met in college. (We shared a class last semester and he showed alot of interest in me: stealing glances, staring, telling other people that I "seemed interesting and he wanted to get to know me but I'm so quiet.”) Anyway, we exchanged numbers over fb and have been texting on and off ever since.

I randomly saw him over the summer at an event and he complimented my jacket, and asked what brand it was. YESTERDAY I saw him at another event (I told him I'd be there on business and he said he was going too, but he literally only stayed like 10 minutes because it was a boring place. My sister literally asked me if he had just come to see me, and looking back, that seems to be the case.)

Anyway, he complimented me again yesterday said: I like your necklace, Mickey mouse?
Me: Thanks, it's from kingdom hearts.
Him: (awkward pause) actually I like your whole outfit today.
Me: (awkward and shy, looking down at the ground) thanks
Before he left he said if I was ever in town again I should let him know.

We texted again today, and he asked if he'd get to see me soon. I asked him when he goes back to school (he's on winter break from college right now) and told him I would try to see him before then, but he never responded back. Stalked his twitter today, and saw that he was making plans to chat with a girl at 10:00pm. I also found it he talks to girls on Omegle sometimes. I don't know what to do about this. Can I trust him? Do I ignore these interactions with others girls?

- Miggage - 01-17-2013 11:48 AM

maybe hes keeping his options open...

- Andrew - 01-17-2013 11:48 AM

distances your self from him no more long talks or nothing and no there is no way to fix this and let them and him talk and stop caring about that

- Mary - 01-17-2013 11:48 AM

I would respond if he texts, but don't initiate any contact yourself. Since you really don't have a relationship,he can interact with anyone he wants, so I don't know what you mean by "trusting him." And his saying if you're ever in town let him know and asking if he'll see you soon - what's up with that?? If he's interested, he should make definite plans and not throw the ball into your court. Sounds like a bit of a player to me. If you're really interested in him, I would play hard to get.

- MoTo - 01-17-2013 11:48 AM

You have posted about this LITERALLY 21 times. You're sick and obsessed. You already admit to stalking him online.

Seriously I'm not trying to be cruel. You desperately DESPERATELY need help. 21 posts of the same question. Get help.

- melodictank242 - 01-17-2013 11:48 AM

I think you should give the guy another chance. It's not like you witnessed the "lie" right-in-front-of-you.
He's single so he does have the freedom to talk to whomever he wants to. If you seem to care about him, you should be honest about your feelings towards him. Most girls should just let the guy know they like him because otherwise you've just wasted precious time to potentially meet someone else who would care about you. Plus this is just a little overreaction to what has occurred. You should definitely reply back to him and catch up with him and ignore those interactions. No one is perfect, girl. There will be guys out there who may have 'lied' and it's not even a big thing (you overreacting)...and there are those who may have 'lied' and really have committed a wrongdoing. But honestly, go talk to him and live your life already and don't frequently post the same questions many times. People will tend to think you have a problem psychologically....