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Am I "messed up" enough to have to go to a treatment center? - Printable Version

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Am I "messed up" enough to have to go to a treatment center? - Kenzie - 01-17-2013 04:01 PM

I'm 16. I honestly don't know how I am ever going to get better from any of this while still living in my hell of a day-to-day life. I am bullied at school, over twitter, over facebook. Everyone thinks I'm a freak because of my various 'problems". And I have major trust issues because of all of this. I can't go on like this any longer without professional help, I have come to realize. I can't do this alone anymore. Anyways, here's a list of all my "problems".

-Bulimia (about two years)
-Severe OCD (it's basically ruining my life)
-Dermatillomania (part of the OCD; my thumbs are basically ruined)
-Self mutilation (cutting, not burning)
-Depression (nothing makes me happy anymore, I see no reason for living)
-Two almost-suicude attempts, one actual attempt (about to hang myself twice, tried to overdose once but wasn't nearly enough)
-Anxiety (again with the always worrying someone is out to get me)
-Borderline personality disorder (moderate, but it basically sucks)

The dermatillomania is the only one that has actually been diagnosed: I've been told that I am borderline but they can't technically diagnose it until you're 18. I obviously know that I have bulimia but no one else knows. The OCD is pretty much a given, my doctor just won't diagnose me based on one of the criteria, but it's very bad.

What I'm trying to say is, I can't live like this any longer. I'm going to end up killing myself, I know it. I need to get hemp, but I don't think the whole see-a-therapist-once-a-week thing is going to be enough. These feelings get so strong and I am suddenly not even in control of what I do. I'll binge/purge, cut, binge/purge again, repeat. One day it's all going to be too much and I'll attempt again. I literally scare myself. I can't be alone while I get help, I know that much. As much as it scares me, I need to be watched over 24/7 while I get day-to-day help. I feel like a treatment center is what I need in order to get better. The idea scares me sh*tless but I know I can't be at home or alone anywhere while I receive the treatment I need. But am I really sick enough for a treatment center? Will they tell me I'm overreacting and refer me to some once-a-week therapist? I need to know. Thank you.

- Julia - 01-17-2013 04:09 PM

Yes, you can and should go to a treatment center. Just a heads up, it's never a good idea to tell yourself you aren't "messed up enough" for anything because that can tempt you to make things worse for yourself so that you will be "messed up enough". You have a lot of problems on your plate though and I'm sorry you have to deal with all that. I would definitely go to a treatment center. Good luck!