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I want Pinterest but don't want my parents to stalk it? - Printable Version

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I want Pinterest but don't want my parents to stalk it? - shealynn - 01-17-2013 06:29 PM

I want a Pinterest really bad they look like to much fun and a good way to express yourself too! But firs of all, I don't have any social networking anything profiles! No Facebook, no twitter, no any of that and I never have (I'm 15 and a girl) . So I'm kinda afraid to be putting stuff out there on the Internet where peoe can see it, because I'm not used to that at all. But I really want one!

And the biggest issue is my parents...I probably have to ask them first because if they ever found out I just randomly made one they might get mad. But if I tell them then they'll stalk it and see everything I pin (which would include shirtless dudes, and probably in appropriate funny things alongside normal stuff) and I don't want them to see that. So..........what should I do? Just make one without telling or make one and not tell them my name or what?

- Karen - 01-17-2013 06:37 PM

wait until you are older--
its a JUNGLE out there, sweety--you still need to ask MOM if its OK....
bad guys look for sweet naive girls like you--sometimes even naive old ladys get
the wrong kind of person on the other end of the internet.......becareful--go to bed early..