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My boyfriend tweets and does other stuff during meaningful conversations!? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend tweets and does other stuff during meaningful conversations!? - :) - 01-18-2013 01:34 AM

When we are having a fun, exciting, flirty or meaningful conversation that gets me on teh edge of my seat whilst talking to him on skype or facebook, later when i check Twitter and otehr sites and see he has been posting and doing other stuff at the same time he was talking to me...

Why is he getting so distracted and doing all this other stuff whilst im just sitting here watching him type...?

I dont reply like straight away, im not a clingy girlfriend! It just bugs me that when we are having a conversation very meangingful to me, it barely seems it to him?

Does anyone else have this problem? Advice please, no hate or rudeness
Thanks xxx
I know he has a life LOL....
You dont get it... most of the time i dont mind it, its just the occasional conversation that i find really interesting and he doesnt?
I know im not his entire life!! This is only OCCASIONALLY..... The otehr times he can do what he wants!

- Dave Dudish - 01-18-2013 01:42 AM

He has a life outside of your relationship that's all.

- ? - 01-18-2013 01:42 AM

Its a guy. A lot of guys are like that.

- Cosmini - 01-18-2013 01:42 AM

You're not his entire like you know. I agree with Dave

- private - 01-18-2013 01:42 AM

He may have lost interest or due to having such access to social sites he has become narcissistic and attention seeking.

The other guys are right, although while talking with you he shouldn't get distracted so easily.

- bibbumsx. - 01-18-2013 01:42 AM

My boyfriend does it too, don't worry... Its just a guy thing, and theres not that much you can do about it. I tell my boyfriend that when we have our sweet chat before bed to not play games, fb or anything because i focus on him and id prefer him to do the same and hes stopped... Mostly... For me. Just speak to him about it and say you like it when he focuses on only you; the conversation is better.