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Should i get a MacBook Pro or Air? - Printable Version

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Should i get a MacBook Pro or Air? - Gracie - 01-18-2013 06:40 AM

I'm in the 10th grade and I use Microsoft Word alot. I also would need to use Microsoft PowerPoint. I don't know for sure, but I think Macs and Apple devices don't have/use Mocrosoft...? I really liked the MacBook Air, because of its lightness and portability. But the MacBook Pro seems so much better when it comes to storage and visual quality. So I'm very confused. I like to import alot of my photos and videos from my iPhone into my laptop, make videos and taking pictures on my laptop, watch YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, listen to muisic, and I also would like to start watching movies on my laptop. So I'm going to be using it for many things. I'm planning to get a 13 inch, but maybe a 15 inch? I think a larger screen would be better for videos and pictures, but I don't know if it is worth the extra money and weight. I still want it to be easily taken and light so that I could take it around the house or library. I think if it came down to it I would pick the MacBook Pro...? ^ I hope this gives an idea of what I should get. I want to know for sure what size and model to get!Smile thanks. X oh also what's. the difference between like retina and um non-retina?lol I don't know all he tehnicl terms.
Also what would you recommend as a laptop bag? Or case? Should I get invisible shield? I thought about the Timbuktu messenger bags, but it's a little too pricey for me, especially since I'm only in the 10th grade. & I don't want a case too bulky, but I also want to protect it from damage. I want a bag or backpack to be very durable and to withstand the weight of the laptop and possible some notebooksSmile thanks!x

- Exo - 01-18-2013 06:48 AM


- Jasmine - 01-18-2013 06:48 AM

U have to buy microsoft for them both. If u need to use cd's then the pro cuz the aor doesnt have the cd player. But the air is nice,small, and portable.

- Harry Liem - 01-18-2013 06:48 AM

As you described about both the Pro & Air....

It really depends on you... but in my point of view, when you choose Macbook Air, it means you'll sacrifice the performance for the portability.....

don't get me wrong.. the macbook air is quite good enough for some basic stuffs.. internet browsing; Productivity (Office) and some other basic stuffs...

With the PRO, you're just aiming at more higher level than the AIR... let's said something like Multimedia Content Creation (Video Editing, Audio Editing, etc..)

The Retina Display is just a brand name for apple's LCD.. and it's all about pixels density, roughly 300 or more pixels per inch.. The higher the pixel density, the better the picture quality,. but it will always depends on your needs, the apps support, etc...

- jimgmacmvp - 01-18-2013 06:48 AM

Microsoft PowerPoint is native on the Mac. Visit the Microsoft site for details: