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I feel like everyone hates me? - Anna Star - 01-18-2013 01:17 PM

Please don't be rude because I'm not asking this question for sympathy. I truley feel as if everyone (well almost everyone) hates me. People have just always been rude to me. I have tried multiple times to boost my self esteem, but it never works. I am pretty shy, so do people just hate on shy kids? I'm not that shy, but I am too people who I feel are cool or popular. I only have like 3 friends. My dad is always yelling at me, and in pretty sure my cousin thinks I'm annoying. Everyone just makes me feel so hated, I really don't like going to school. Is there any advice someone can give me? I don't want to feel this way anymore.....

- Joey - 01-18-2013 01:25 PM

the probably do no offense

- Victory Goth - 01-18-2013 01:25 PM

There are 7 billion people in this world. There's no way ALL of them could hate you.

- Dave - 01-18-2013 01:25 PM

Be yourself. Not yourself that is you special self to get popular friends be yourself the way you are to your 3 best friends to everyone you meet most will like you but some won't. Your always going to have a very small amount of people who just won't like you for whatever reason no matter what you do. Everyone does.

- Nicole - 01-18-2013 01:25 PM

You must be my long lost sister. But anyways, try doing a few things. Firstly, if someone's mean or rude to you, ignore them. If you feel threatened, tell a school adult as soon as possible. You might seem like a snitch, but trust me, it'll help A LOT!

Second, try to wear stuff you feel cute or pretty in. Maybe there's that shirt you really like, or shoes you adore? Go ahead and wear it. If you want, you can wear a little makeup like some mascara or a little eyeshadow. You don't need all the expensive things like Uggs or Abercrombie. There's always the knock offs of UGGs that are actually really nice for only $20! And Hollister is basically a cheaper Abercrombie, they have sales like EVERYWEEK. Do what you need to make yourself feel nice ^.^

Third, being shy is fine. I usually never talk to anyone but my 4 friends, and occasionally a few people I know. But if it bothers you, a few things you can do is; Try being in a group with different people for activities, join after school clubs, Make a social network account (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ETC.) The social network thing helps alot with self esteem too. I started an Instagram a few monthes ago, and when I post pictures of myself, people will say I'm pretty and really nice stuff like that. You can also interact more freely over the Internet. Because face it... Talking to someone is easier behind a screen.

Fourth, be more positive about things! Instead of thinking "I only have 3 friends" think "I might only have 3 friends, but they are the best anyone could ask for". In school think "Yay! Only 3 hours left!" Instead of thinking "Ugh... I have to suffer another 3 hours" Being positive helps alot for me. But I'm not a Ms.Happypants. No I complain and nag so much!

Fifth, Just be yourself! It may sound cheesy but if people don't like you as you are, they don't deserve you. Also, smile! Smiling releases a hormone (forgot the name) that makes you happy. Try smiling now. It's feels pretty good if you ask me!

Now I have to say, I'm not popular at all. I talk to a few people every once in a while, but mostly I stick really close to my 'friends' but I always get pushed away (literally) when I'm talking to my friends (and then ignored)... And I hate walking down a hall alone because I feel pathetic and alone. So I'm not even close to being perfect. And grades... I've failed 2 classes in the past year... So that's not great either. That's basically all I can give you. But I hope it helps. And I'll tell you this now. Never cut or attempt suicide. Cutting can seriously damage your body, and you'll be left with unsightly scars. And suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You might think no one loves or cares about you and will be better off without you, but if you're gone... They will not be the same. If you think stuff like that, go to a therapist. They can really help you. Well that's all. I really hope I could help even the slightest bit. Good luck!