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Is it because im overweight that people dont like me? - Printable Version

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Is it because im overweight that people dont like me? - Courteney - 01-18-2013 03:37 PM

Im 15, 5'3 and umm a UK size 14/16. In the New Year im starting this extreme diet and fitness routine to be a size 12 for prom next year though!
Recently my friends always cancel on me and only like once every couple of weeks do i go out with my friends. Also a couple of boys make jokes about me like 'its funny how he calls you babe because you look like a pig' Its got me so down. I feel so unwanted.
By looking at a couple recent photo's of me could you please tell me your first thoughts, honestly. I just want to find out what people who don't know me think, Thank you!


^ right one


- Billy Sastard - 01-18-2013 03:45 PM

are you serious you dont look overweight at all. I dont know where you live but size 16 is the average size in the UK. You are actually very attractive so dont worry about a few nasty idiots who are probably jealous

- myfavouritelucy - 01-18-2013 03:45 PM

link one only takes us to your profile, and the second link doesn't work... 3rd one don't know which one is you.. girl on left in pink needs to lose a few pounds, the other one looks ok. But it is almost certainly your personality thats a problem here. would your friends cancel on you because of your weight!!!?? THINK ABOUT IT!

- Lana - 01-18-2013 03:45 PM

well i think you look fine. those guys are just jerks. you have to keep your confidence to look chubby tooo but i too also have many insecurities but i try too keep my confidence...and i was just talking to this guy i liked yesterday at school. he asked for my number but i dont got no cell. but what im trying to say is that if you have confidence then your good to go. but not too much. it'll make you look bad...just try your best too ignore.. there's always someone out there who likes you,. maybe not someone your would ever date or. something like that,. but there will be someone who you like back that likes u too eventually.

- Jennifer - 01-18-2013 03:45 PM

Well in my opinion, based on the pictures I saw, you do not seem all that heavy. I mean, when I clicked on your question I was expecting you to be morbidly obese, which you aren't. As for the guys making the comments, just ignore them. From my experience, most guys your age are absolute jerks. It also takes longer for guys to mature (physically and mentally) than girls. So even if those guys are 15 like you, they might still mentally be as mature as a 13 year old. I know me saying 'just ignore it' probably doesn't help all that much. But there really is not anything else you can do in that situation. Saying a snotty comment in response just brings you down to their level. Don't lower yourself to that. Not to mention that those guys probably want a response from you. Don't give them what they want.

As far as your friends not making plans with you, perhaps you come off as insecure to them. I don't know that you do, obviously, but if you do to them, they probably notice. Do you complain about your weight a lot in front of them? If so it might bother them. It is really good that you have a new years resolution already (I don't, lol). So anytime that you are feeling bad about yourself, just think about how good you are going to look once prom time comes around! Oh, and once that time comes, if those guys come around being nice to you, I wouldn't even give them the time of day.

- Marie - 01-18-2013 03:45 PM

honestly, you're just a little thick. but you're nowhere near fat!!! you're on the heavier side of average weight don't worry. if thsoe guys are being assholes liek that, they're just pathetic you dont want their attention anyways. Thats stupid lol you're nowhere near fat. yesss, you would look a little better losing maybe 5-10 pounds but most people would!!! nothing drastic or a reason to even go on a diet lol. cut out soda and that will automatically make you lose 5 pounds.worked for me. If you decide to just stop eating stuff like chips, chocolates and acke on a regular basis, you're good. a few situps here and there will benefit but honestly, nothing drastic. most girls do this on a regulalr basis even if they're very thin because its just good for your health as well.
goodluck! You're pretty

- Ariana - 01-18-2013 03:45 PM

hunny,i just see a healthy carvy girl.dont do any extreme diet,just start eating healthy and find a sport or dance that you like and stick to it!!!you will be even more perfect by the summer time.
and your face and eyes look awesome:)good luck!

- LemonZest - 01-18-2013 03:45 PM

Honestly you look so pretty, you look good curvy!! Smile I'm overweight too but it looks bad on me lol, you carry it off well. Ignore the stupid comments, they're idiots who don't know what a real woman looks like.