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Why do some people take Twitter so seriously? - Printable Version

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Why do some people take Twitter so seriously? - Thunderousalarm849 - 01-18-2013 06:37 PM

This chick on twitter is part of the Justin beiber fandom . She was threatening everyone who boo'd him at this thing, and I said "good luck". She freaked. Shes all like "You're so irrelevant, look at your follower count, I bet you're happy your mentions got lit up you bitch." Its TWITTER. Does she really think its important how many followers someone has? Am I really an irrelevant c*nt because I don't have very many followers? Then she started dissing my profile picture saying I have a sh*t hair cut. And she keeps saying I don't matter I'm useless ect. What the hell?

- Alexander - 01-18-2013 06:45 PM

No life in a nutshell is what that is.

- shorty sporty - 01-18-2013 06:45 PM


- littlemiss - 01-18-2013 06:45 PM

she lives her life through a computer screen. twitter followers dont mean a thing. you matter WAY more than she does, shes the useless one. also im sure your hair looks great!! Smile

- MARK B - 01-18-2013 06:45 PM

they just need to get a real life

- ♡ - 01-18-2013 06:45 PM

Since it's gotten more popular Twitter has been taken WAY too seriously.
People care way too much about how many followers they have and how many retweets they get. Then there's people bringing their nonsense Facebook stuff to Twitter. Then there's people who make such a big deal about someone unfollowing them and the person isn't even personally a friend to them. I quit Facebook for a reason, and now they're bringing the same stuff to Twitter. Really..? -.-
I haven't been on Twitter in a while but I'm starting back soon to keep up with friends and such. But if I end up following someone who does all this annoying crap, I'm clicking the unfollow button. B*tch about it if they want to!

- Violentable834 - 01-18-2013 06:45 PM

I have a Twitter account and, honestly, I rarely go on it... I see no point to it at all and sometimes it gets confusing to me at times. That girl must have felt that she was rather superior to you then the others. Either she is a huge Justin Bieber fan or she thinks that she is really popular on Twitter overall. It's the only two reasons I can think of why she thinks she's superior to everybody else.

- Ingrid - 01-18-2013 06:45 PM

Its because shes being a bully, Her life might be hard and so she lives her life behind a screen since all of her friends have dissed her and is trying to make YOU feel like the lonley one. Youre awesome and dont take her seriously and just forget about twitter. Whats the point of it anyways?!?!? Good luck with her. Smile

- luna - 01-18-2013 06:45 PM

Unfortunately this is what society has come to, thanks to the media and modern society. Being on social networks sites unfortunately is just setting ourselves up as targets. Don't take it to heart nobody knows you better than yourself and you obviously believe you are relevant, you probably have very nice hair and that you are useful so that is what matters. (and for the record I probably have less followers on twitter then you, but why should it matter?) just disregard it and she will get over it. When she realises you don't give a stuff about it she will just get bored and stop. Keep smiling Smile