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How do these iPad data plans work? - Printable Version

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How do these iPad data plans work? - Ted C - 01-18-2013 07:38 PM

These iPad data plans, lets say I had a 250 MB plan for the month. How games would I be able to download with that? How many web searches and Facebook updates? Or does it not work that way? I'm a little confused, so anything to shed light on this subject would be lovely, Thanks.

- Android Core - 01-18-2013 07:46 PM

there is no ONE WAY usage on data plans for smartphones, tablets, PCs, laptops, etc...... data usage is dependent on YOUR usage. Saying "HI" on facebook is different than saying "wassup" on facebook data usage. Posting and share pics difer cause all pics have diferent file sizes... emails are different cause each email is typed differently... and so on and so on.... Facts of life... sorry...

250MB is sad and pathetic when used on a smartphone or tablet. Those types of plans are mostly for business people who email with some lite facebook and twitter tossed in there and will do the heavy usage stuff when connected to free wifi at home or at starbucks or mcdonalds or a library or airport.. Thats about it. When you reach 250MB, your data plan will be turned off until you pay for more internet or decide to use free wifi............ so if you are an online gamer, heavy social networking teenager, online video or online music/radio streamer, you will use 250MB in the first 30 minutes of use. Heavy users will need 2GB or more per month. Personally, I require 20GB... but I have unlimited Data on Verizon, LMAO!!!