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Facebook, Myspace or Twitter, which do you prefer and why? - Printable Version

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Facebook, Myspace or Twitter, which do you prefer and why? - You Dont Say - 01-19-2013 02:14 AM

I like Facebook, Twitter is more like a celebrity site, these morons are like " follow me on Twitter" but yet they dont reply to fans or anything...... and Myspace is more like for kids, I had a Myspace and deleted it, it sucks as well, all those damn glitter pictures.....boring!!! which do you like?

- lola - 01-19-2013 02:22 AM

None of the above! All lame. Those sites annoys me! I have a myspace, and a facebook but I never get on anymore like I use to. It's old websites, that later on gets LAME! Yes, I do agree with you Twitter is good for celebrities only!

- zealouswood865 - 01-19-2013 02:22 AM

I don't really understand the concept of Twitter.. nor do I intend to. Smile MySpace was a big mistake so I ain't going back. So,, I'm barely getting into Facebook and its okay so far.
I agree on MySpace being for kids, especially scene kids ;D

- Robert - 01-19-2013 02:22 AM

You hit it on the head, MySpace is for kids and it really turned into a meat market for hookups...yuk
Twitter is designed for those that need constant updates on things that are going on in other people’s lives so they don’t have to live theirs. Face book on the other hand was created solely for College kids to communicate with one another in a college dorm setting and it grew into what it is today. Facebook it great for close friends and family and I would have to say they all are specific to one’s life style.
Do what makes you happy and if you need to pretend that you really have 978 friends that you need to constantly talk to….ummm go with it!

- Sakura Uzumaki - 01-19-2013 02:22 AM

FACEBOOK! all the way!!