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Why does a heartbreak hurt so much and why does it take forever to heal? - Printable Version

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Why does a heartbreak hurt so much and why does it take forever to heal? - Caroline - 01-19-2013 04:06 AM

I want to know when "time" will be done this is taking forever. It's been 9 months and I'm thinking something's wrong with me.

- Keep Smiling - 01-19-2013 04:14 AM

Nothings wrong with you. I split with my bf 9 months ago and I still have moments where I really miss him and wish we were still together. Heartbreaks hurt so much because when you care about someone you give your heart to them willingly which leaves it open to being hurt the most. It takes forever to heal because after being hurt so bad you are cautious to give it out again.

- Charity - 01-19-2013 04:14 AM

Because people get so caught up in the moment they dont expect anything coming. Whether it was just love like a friend/family or true love where you are both committed and faithful. You probably thought you were in happens to everybody... Dont worry. Trust me its NOT you. If they couldnt handle it then they dont deserve you. It will take time to heal but until then you have to think about the positives. If it was really meant to be they wouldnt have left you hanging there.. So enjoy being single. Spend time with family and friends, stay at eachothers houses, watch movies, go out and shop, go by a new pet like a puppy or a kitten. If you buy a new baby animal it will help you and show you that they are better than the guy that left you. Focus on school or start browsing for some new people to meet. Delete him from all of your contacts (phone, email, facebook, twitter..EVERYTHING) also delete all the pictures of him. Write down how you feel but after that dont think about him. Go out and try a new look if you want, anything to get your mind off of it. Trust me, im only 14, but very mature for my age. Even I have been through this and I PROMISE.. It WILL GET BETTER!! Hope I helped Smile