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Is not enough sleep bad for your health? - Printable Version

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Is not enough sleep bad for your health? - ikeisco - 01-19-2013 05:00 AM

Is not enough sleep bad for your health? Basically I'm a student and I'm going to bed at around 3-5am each night and getting up at 7:30am to get ready to go to uni. I don't feel too bad for it except early in the morning, Could this have negative effects on my health in the long run? Thanks.
I'm not having trouble sleeping, I just can't be bothered and find it boring.

- Blah - 01-19-2013 05:08 AM

Definitely. Sleep deprivation can adversely affect the brain and cognitive function and causes an impairment of ability. Should be getting atleast 7 hrs of *quality* sleep a night as a student ( that means not looking at any screens atleast an hour before bed, try reading a textbook or free reading book the hour before bed instead of scrolling through twitter, facebook, or some kind of article on a phone or laptop screen).

- anonymous - 01-19-2013 05:08 AM

Yes!! Not getting enough sleep lowers your immune system, making you more prone to infection and then hindering you in the long run. Try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep if you can, at first you'll probably be really tired but once you get on a normal sleeping pattern you will feel more energized and awake.
Hope this helps!

- Kelly - 01-19-2013 05:08 AM

Good sleep habits are important for your health, well being, and safety. If you're having trouble sleeping get some sleep help today at