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What's happened to kids today in summer? - Printable Version

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What's happened to kids today in summer? - Tom - 01-19-2013 05:47 AM

As a teenager i was very much the average teen, i nthe summer holidays me and my friends used to go out for a massive game of football every day, or if its not football it would be manhunt or we used to make our own games. I remember my summer holidays, from the late 1990s/early 2000s so there wasnt all this technology and facebook, twitter around, so we used to go out everyday. As i got older we started to meet girls, go to partys, go to camp together and we really enjoyed our summer holidays. Just like most boys do to be honest. I have a nephew who is 11 and all he does is stay in and play on his ipad, I once had to look after him for a day and he invited his friend over just to play on the xbox 360. But he told me thats what kids nowadays. I find it pretty sad how time has changed in just 10 years, you dont get as many kids out in the summer holidays as what you used too. Summer holidays sure is the best times being a teenager, with all the partys, one summer we even made a tree house and stayed up there all night when i was like 15. Great memories, I just can't understand what's happened to kids today? I moved house earlier this year close to a nature park, I used to go there as a kid and it was packed every day, not going to lie but there was hardly any kids there. Why have kids changed so much?

- Lily - 01-19-2013 05:55 AM

Partly because technology has changed to children are used to playing on their iPads&Laptops&everything by now, but; Times have also changed, and parents have become more protective over their children.

- shanon - 01-19-2013 05:55 AM

You really can't do anything about it. Times change, kids change too. Especially if they're exposed to all those technology, they will get addicted.

- Carrie - 01-19-2013 05:55 AM

I think it has a lot to do with parents not being as involved with their kid's lives.
When I was a kid I went outside because my mother encouraged it.
I had a set limit on the hours I could watch TV, play video games, or use the computer.
And since it was time restricted, I saved them for the evening when I had to come inside.

Most parents these days are more interested in being friends with their kids than being their parents.
Sad but true.

- Peter - 01-19-2013 05:55 AM

You are right of course. I am obviously older than you and remember summer holidays back in the '70's when basically your parents hardly saw you from morning to night, only returning to be fed !
No computer/ Mobile phone / x-box / playstation, just a Football, Cricket bat and if you were lucky - A Bike.
- And do you know the strangest memory ?................It hardly EVER rained !