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Why are people so ignorant when it comes to music? - Printable Version

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Why are people so ignorant when it comes to music? - Alex - 01-19-2013 06:44 AM

It seems that people nowadays, mainly teenagers hate people/dislike them based on their music taste. Also i'm a 16yr teenager and i ws speaking to this 13yr old, and he was saying that all rock music is all screaming and that they are all satanists, they want to slit their wrists and that they are all goths. I like pop punk/indie/metal/rock music and it just seems that because today is a pop genre world, that people are ignorant when it comes to rock music.
Personally i don't like they style of Justin Bieber's music, but i don't go around hating on everyone because i'm not into that. I respect Justin for getting into the music industry, and not having to go on a nationally broadcasted talent show.

I was on twitter about an hour ago and i saw this picture with arrows point to One Direction saying that if you dont like them, then you must be deaf and blind. I don't get why people do this. also when Mitch Lucker died, i saw on Facebook and Twitter that some (not all) directioners were saying that he deserved to die, just because he sang a different type of genre thann One Direction. Also when Alex Gaskarth stated his opinion on Twitter about 1D's new song, some (NOT ALL) directioners started telling him to go kill himself and that no one likes his music, and he doesnt have a right to say that.

I'm just fed up of people being so ignorant about other peoples music taste, so why are they??????

- Bored Gremlin - 01-19-2013 06:52 AM

most teens are silly. they think they know the one right way.

- Paula - 01-19-2013 06:52 AM

From now on you will start realizing people are not only ignorant when it comes to music, people are ignorant when it comes to many other subjects. The things you're talking about are the clear example of a brain washed generation, but why are they like that? well, because they consume too much of what media sells them and most likely they're bombarded with publicity telling them that for being "cool" or being accepted they must like only such things. Unfortunately not many teenagers are as aware as you are. Also it is because they're not thought tolerance in the first place, and as teenagers many of them can't help but to be single minded and immature.

- hedleyhoe - 01-19-2013 06:52 AM

I saw that too! After Mitch died (I wasa huuge fans of suicide silence) a directioner tweeted ME saying "Go follow ur emo role model & go kill urself, the world doesn't need some emo freak who prbbly cuts her wrists, & take his daughter with u" i was so heart broken since i deal with anxiety AND depression telling someone to go kill herself is'nt the best thing to do.. and the worst part.. that tweet got like 25RT's...

And i agree with you on alex gaskarth, he got soooo much hate, i rememeber i got on to twitter one day and "Alex killed his brother" was trending and that's not even true (His brother died from suicide) </3

Anyway I agree... myopinion is they just do that to make themselves feel better than everyone else, and to gain self confidence that their band is the best or something like that