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Son's friend's mother is really friendly with teens. Is this weird? - Printable Version

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Son's friend's mother is really friendly with teens. Is this weird? - Angel-fire - 01-19-2013 08:51 AM

My son Dan (17) has a friend called Hannah. He and she used to go to school together and are now at the same college. They go out together about two or three times a month, with another 4 or 5 of the friends (male and female - all 17 to 22.)

Nobody's mother is like Hannah's mother. She has about 10 to 15 of the students at college and their old school pals on twitter and facebook, and she talks to them and comments on their facebook posts - maybe once or twice in a day, up to 5 to 10 times a month... Not *very* often, but moderately often. She may go 4 days without saying anything, but then engages in conversation with one of the 18 year olds for half an hour or so.

All of them - including Dan think she is 'cool' and great to talk to, a great listener, and funny and smart, and she treats them as if they were her age and doesn't talk to them as if they're 'kids.' She is about 46, and doesn't work, as she is a stay at home mum. She did work til about 40, but ill health with a chronic illness made her have to leave.

She doesn't seem weird or anything, but I find it odd that she is so friendly with 17 to 22 year olds. She goes to concerts sometimes with her daughter too (she is 18) and she thinks it's great to go with her mum. She also goes shopping with her daughter, like 3 or 4 times a month, and they're arm in arm like close mates.

She doesn't go out with all the daughter's friends or anything, but does seem friendly with them on the internet, as if she thinks she is 21, and they all think she is 'great.'

Does this woman's behaviour seem weird to you? It does to me, and it irks me a bit that all the kids seem to think she is great. What is so great about being pally with kids when you're 46?! Nobody else I know chit-chats to young people like this.
In answer to ZOMG, I do not have a daughter.

And to the others: I am NOT jealous. I just think her behaviour is odd and she seems childish. I mean, what 46 year old goes to concerts with the 18 y.o. daughter?

- Irish Las✞ - 01-19-2013 08:59 AM

Maybe she is just a kind, outgoing person who isn't socially awkward as they call it. Smile

- unknown - 01-19-2013 08:59 AM

Do not be hatin' on somebody just because you are jealous your son can get along with her. It sounds like to me that she is a great woman with a young and free spirit. I think it is awesome that all these kids have somebody to talk to.

Instead of being a green monster about this, why don't you try and get to know this lady?

- girly - 01-19-2013 08:59 AM

No it doesn't seem weird at all there Is alot of people out there that do that and there not all rapist and killers or pedifiles there actually normal people that do hang out with their kids friends and the kids like that

- SMEG AND THE HEADS - 01-19-2013 08:59 AM

TBH, I agree with the poster above by the name of *unknown* ^^^ : You sound a little jealous and miffed that one of the moms has a kind of relationship with the younger people that you wish you had. What the heck is wrong with someone middle aged talking to people a generation younger? Especially when she has a 18 year old herself. These young people are her daughter's friends, and so there is nothing weird at all. FFS, what is wrong with what she is doing? You also sound a bit pissed off that your son likes her, and also that she appears to have a very close relationship with her daughter. Does she hang out with these young people? No. Does she have innappropriate relationships with them? No.

She sounds like someone who is young-at-heart and gets on well with her daughter and her pals. Saying she is weird or immature is just mean. Quit being jealous and intefering with peoples' lives and get on with your own. This woman is doing no harm to anyone and is probably a good confidante to young adults who cannot talk to their own parents.

- zomg - 01-19-2013 08:59 AM

Wow... Haha, damn you are so jealous, hey its pretty normal she sounds like she is outgoing and kind she has probably gotten use to talking to her friends. You should try it out, I mean unless you are afraid that she will be doing something to your son and his friends then I dunno what to say, but I can say that she is so not trying to do anything that you wouldn't do. She seems like an awesome mum, I mean if I had like girlfriend problems I would happily ask her for some advise and maybe life help if ever needed. I dunno but she is cool. Try not to get too worked out about get, it's NORMAL. Oh and by the way Let us know if you actually get along with your daughter.. We would really like to know.