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If she's cheating on me, why is she still denying it? - Printable Version

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If she's cheating on me, why is she still denying it? - James - 01-19-2013 10:45 AM

I work with this girl, and over time we got really close and intimate. We'd start hanging out everyday and we found out we have everything in common. She started acting like were dating by asking for hugs and kisses before I would leave. She even came over at 3am once and we had sex, and cuddled into most of the next day.
Here's where it gets interesting. I saw a facebook status and she tagged another guy in it. I didn't think anything of it at first, but I found out she's been staying at a friend's apartment the past few days, and he rooms there with them. He posted on twitter, you make me happy, I like you, the past few days have been great, and I wish you didnt have to leave. This is where I flipped shit. I texted her a lot of mean things because it seemed like she was playing me.
Her response caught me by surprise. She denied it completely, saying he wasn't talking about her, there was another girl that he had over, and that she was hurt that I didn't trust her. She said that she goes to her friends house cause she isn't good with her family right now, and it just givers her a place to escape to, and that everyone that rooms in the apartment are just friends.
I saw another shady post on Thanksgiving. He posted, "my boo is having a bad day, and its making me upset"... and she was in the er with strep throat. I called her out on it again. She sent me texts saying I really hurt her by what I was saying, and that I'm pushing her away with these accusations. She again said that he was talking about another girl.
Thoughts? I feel like a dick if she's being honest, but this situation is so shady. If she's cheating on me, why go to that extent and lie and make me seem like the bad guy?

- Pepsi - 01-19-2013 10:53 AM

Hmm depends if you want to overlook it or act on it.
Sometimes people make it feel as though its just paranoia to chuck you off the scent. 'Your making her feel bad' could be a sign she is doing something but trying to shove you off.
Down to you :/

- different name - 01-19-2013 10:53 AM

Stop caring about her. Be a man, assume she isnt cheating on you and give her reason to not cheat on you. Why would she want any other guy if she could have you?

And if you find out with solid proof she is cheating on you, then screw her, shes just a cunt who tried to play with your feelings, and failed.

- Elsewhere - 01-19-2013 10:53 AM

How is she cheating if you two aren't actually dating? You sound like friends with benefits to me, hugs and cuddling aren't a promise of exclusivity. But bottom line is you don't trust her. It doesn't matter if she's telling the truth or not. Let her go and move on. Eventually she is going to get tired of your insecurity and make the decision for you.

- M.B. - 01-19-2013 10:53 AM

WOW that's a tough call...she could be playing you because she wants you around long term.
The convenience of the roommate is pretty enticing too.

On the other hand he could be reading more into what she is doing with him.
You need to be more available to fill up her time.

If she starts becoming busy...then your suspicions are correct.

- Nunyabizz - 01-19-2013 10:53 AM

lol deos seem a bit shady, but if i was you i would fall back, and stop accusing her of stuff. either let it go or deal with it. if that other guy is such a problem and their just friends, why doesnt she jsut let yall meet.