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What is the best way to market a high end product that I have exclusive rights to? - Printable Version

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What is the best way to market a high end product that I have exclusive rights to? - fantabu1ous - 01-19-2013 10:47 AM

It is a plumbing fixture that costs approx. $5,500.00 each compared to similar products that range from $750. to $3,000. bear in mind it's design and execution are not only unique but can be considered one of a kind.

- Asme - 01-19-2013 10:55 AM

You need to find your audience. Maybe architects?

Try looking online for communities that cater to this crowd. is a professional social networking site that can help, as can Facebook. Set up profiles and make friends. Just be sure to not get over-agressive in your marketing or you'll be blacklisted.

Also look into online forums that cater to your industry. is a search engine that can help you find appropriate forums.

And don't forget to get included in local search, like, etc.

- Heywood Jablome - 01-19-2013 10:55 AM

A fantastic point of differentiation can command 10% additional to retail. The only way you will get more (on more than a onsey twosey basis) is if it will make the old products completely obsolete.

- Nosy Posey - 01-19-2013 10:55 AM

Make sure you boast the features and why this product is SO fabulous... Then hit them (in the end) with the fact that your company has exclusive rights... You want to grab their attention and wet their appetite on this great product... Once this has been done, letting them know you're the ONLY company that carries it will be a big determinant in sealing the deal...