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im so sick of not being pretty enough in my eyes? - Printable Version

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im so sick of not being pretty enough in my eyes? - Opinionated - 01-19-2013 12:09 PM

i do awknoldge the fact that i am pretty, i get alot of compliments and alot of guys do like me even cute ones and i get asked alot if i model. but i dont feel pretty at ALL. and im not the the type of girl to be tumblr famous or get a million likes on facebook yet everyone always tells me how gorgeous i am. if i was as gorgeous as everyone says i was then why do i not get a miliion likes and have thousands of followers on twitter? am i not pretty enough? what am i missing? or why is it that no one ever wants me to promote their clubs? why why why!!!

this is all i ever wanted in life, i know it sounds stupid, and i do realize im not ugly but i want to be stunning and i just dont know what im missing and it's really bringing me down. i know this is stupid and im a bit too old for this (18 and in college) but this is really weighs heavy on my mind. all i ever wanted was to be like on of those girls on tumblr or reality tv shows.

- shorty sporty - 01-19-2013 12:17 PM

Those Tumblr girls get lucky. Just because they're pretty doesn't change the fact that your beautiful. Don't focus on others. Focus on you! Smile

- lala - 01-19-2013 12:17 PM

Pls put a pic of ur self up! I love seeing what other ppl look like. Lol. I like seeing the face being the question and words. And by that as well I'll be able to tell up of ur pretty or not.ill come back and edit this later. Maybe you'll have posted maybe not, but anyway, I'm sure you're pretty. I recommend going to the spa to make yourself feel pretty

- Anna - 01-19-2013 12:17 PM

Look hun, those people you see on TV and tumblr? they are overall FAKE. Plastic surgery, too much makeup, photoshop are why they look like that. You should look up stars without makeup. Hehe you will have a whole new perspective of how fake tv is and how fake all that crap is. Now some of these woman are naturally pretty, bu some.... not so much. Here's are some pictures of Sofia Vergara from Modern Family with and without makeup

A comparison picture link. they don't even really look like the same person, to be honest......!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_635/sofia-vergara.jpg&w=575&h=500&ei=kc2yUMPKHM6u0AHHtIHgBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=2&vpy=329&dur=4713&hovh=209&hovw=241&tx=144&ty=143&sig=108482194491969491771&page=2&tbnh=137&tbnw=156&start=26&ndsp=37&ved=1t:429,r:26,s:0,i:170&biw=1525&bih=652

So you know what? screw the people on tv. their beauty is not real, they do way too much to their bodies to make themselves pretty. sometimes they end up ugly from all the stuff they do. Don't use them as your comparisons, just realize your pretty and that many are unfortunate on the looks front. Hun, your beautiful (from what I can tell so far lol) and don't forget it. Those people on TV? unrealistic. You are pretty enough, don't ever forget it. Look around you next time your in public. you will find some very ugly people, and you won't be feeling the way you do now anymore. that sounded awful, but it's true

- cooingdrum729 - 01-19-2013 12:17 PM

You can start exercising and eating right toward a good figure. And you can learn a lot about makeup and hair. Then you will be a beauty expert, and you can make yourself look good.

- Christine - 01-19-2013 12:17 PM

You need to focus on something else in your life. Maybe start some sport, join a debate team, do some volunteering.

Beauty is fleeting. If you use your beauty as the source of your self confidence you are setting yourself up for dissapointment.

- Vyross Nakizo - 01-19-2013 12:17 PM

20-year-old guy's opinion, here:

I have met these women. And while they photograph well, they are repulsive in just about every other way. I've never met one who wasn't an addict to coke, or heroin. Their "golden eras" last about a year, tops, before the abuse done to their body by themselves, drugs, and more often than not, disgusting older men, puts them out of the running as another 18 year old comes and splays themselves out to be taken advantage of.

It's an absolutely horrifying aspect of our culture. Don't let it influence you so much. If you're pretty, accept that, and then work on being intelligent and interesting as well. Whether you want one guy or many, you'll have an easier time if you're smart and have something of interest to say, than if you're just a pretty face. Besides, what do you have control over? Only what you think, say, and do. It's a terrible shame that advertising has done this to our culture.

If you want a guy who's both attractive, and interested in a meaningful relationship, you'd have a hard time if your only asset was looks. We might be stupid overall, but we're not THAT stupid.