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How to make safe cyber friends ? - Printable Version

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How to make safe cyber friends ? - lala - 01-19-2013 03:52 PM

I want to try something new

- anonymous - 01-19-2013 04:00 PM

Hi. You could talk to people you know on Facebook (If you have one). You could also talk to people on like Twitter. Try talking to people at school. Good Luck. If you want you can email me.

- Timmy - 01-19-2013 04:00 PM

If you're refering to a place, Omegle is a good place. If you mean how to trust someone online, you don't. Offer no information to them. After a few years they may be a bit trustworthy but whatever, your judgement.

- D McC - 01-19-2013 04:00 PM

its impossible to tell if people are being real or fake on the net, its unfortunate but thats how it is, you never know how safe they are to be friends with for a long time, you could make a skype account just for talking to new people and if they are not nice just delete and blobk them

- David Allan - 01-19-2013 04:00 PM

You can't trust people, they all are human. We all have a bad side, the internet allows the worst people to stay anonymous and even reach out beyond boarders. Your best bet is to keep your identity secret as well. With that said is it really worth it to live like a hermit? You have to balance the risk and use good judgement.