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Why are so many people putting up cartoon pictures on facebook? - Printable Version

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Why are so many people putting up cartoon pictures on facebook? - Miguel - 01-19-2013 04:24 PM

Like everyone has a cartoon picture in facebook. Not sure about myspace and twitter however.

- Nagato - 01-19-2013 04:32 PM

WARNING! The Group Asking everyone to change their profile picture to their favorite cartoon character is actually a group of pedophiles. They Doing It Because Kids Will Accept Their Friend Request Faster if they see a cartoon picture it was nothing to do with child violence it was on a tv show that warns you about internet frauds plus tonights news. Pass this on to everyone please. So Take your Cartoon Picture Off

- Aaron - 01-19-2013 04:32 PM

People claim it to be to raise awareness for child abuse. I, personally, do not see how it helps.

- Leelee - 01-19-2013 04:32 PM

Because they were sent a message that says something like ''pronounce urself against child abuse by changing ur pix by a cartoon u used to watch when u were a kiddo."

- chickenlittle - 01-19-2013 04:32 PM

because it is to raise awareness for child abuse or something.. some people think it is pointless. but it has people like yourself asking about it so it has been somewhat successful. I don't know about the whole conspiracy for pedophiles to get to kids.. I've heard it a couple times but i don't see how a bunch of people against child abuse changing their pictures relates to a kid accepting an invite from a pedophile with a cartoon picture. I think it does however do what people originally thought it does... raise awareness for a cause. Maybe parents should monitor their children better and raise them to not accept friends requests from people they dont know and trust.

- Dynamiclamp862 - 01-19-2013 04:32 PM

Some people are saying the cartoon picture thing on Facebook was started by a group of pedophiles. I don't think this is true. It is YOUR job as a parent to tell your children NOT to add people they don't recognize on Facebook! Instead of pulling down others only trying to raise awareness for a cause. I think it is truly pitiful that some people are gullible enough to actually fall for this crap. Leave it to the ignoramuses to attack something as innocent as a childhood cartoon character.
Even though changing your profile pic to a character won't help stop child abuse, at least it's showing how many of us are AGAINST it.