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Please Read! help with girl here!! :)? - Printable Version

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Please Read! help with girl here!! :)? - Aníbal - 01-19-2013 05:43 PM

Ok so there's this girl I started liking like a month ago or so, I studied with her when I was in 7th grade (now I'm a Junior(11th) the thing is I haven't talked with her since then, and I thought about talking to her through social networks since she's not in the same school as I am, but she doesn't use them so I can't chat with her or anything, still her phone number is on facebook and I could try it but that'd be weirdo since it will look like I'm stalking her or something. Also I'm not that GOOD with girls , I mean I'm a nice guy and all that but I don't know I've never been good at it flirting and all that. The thinv is what should I do? Like there's lot of her friends on twitter and I think yeah I can talk to them but I would feel hell of awkward since yeah some of them I studied with them when I wad in 7th grade but I've not talked with them since then, and I know it's stupid but I just don't want to do the wrong thing with this, any good tips or ideas of what I can do here? And if I text her what way should I do it so she doesn't think I've been stalking her or anything else? And maybd good topics to talk to her since you know I've not talked with her in a while. And THANKS a lot .

- Nice Person - 01-19-2013 05:51 PM

Just have sex with her already!!!

- dasha.spice - 01-19-2013 05:51 PM

go for it! i hadn't talked to my boyfriend since sophomore year (i'm a senior now) and he randomly texted me a few months ago. and now we are dating Smile you have nothing to lose!

- Nicole - 01-19-2013 05:51 PM

She hasn't heard from you in four years.. if you do text her. Let her know you don't usually do this, but you think she's really special & you don't wanna freak her out but you wanna check up on her. Let her know you care.. even though its been four years she's hasn't left your mind.. just be real & everything else will flow. If you don't get a text back then let her be.

- C - 01-19-2013 05:51 PM

this is all you have to do. i have done this many times & it works. there's 3 parts to getting a girl go out with you: attraction, rapport, and seduction. ,

1. Attract- women want you to lead them & make them feel safe. you have to be confident in yourself. lack of confidence turns them off. traits like boldness, leadership, confidence, directness, etc. all attract girls, while shyness, awkwardness, insecurity, fear, & being a follower turns them off. good looks, cars, & money, don't turn women on; they are like bonus points. if you lack the above traits, girls won't like you, regardless if you're a perfect 10. you must have the good traits, & you must ditch the bad ones (this is very easy to do. ANYONE can do this). you got to make the first move, because men go after what they want, & you have to be the one that moves things forward. by you breaking out of any fear you have, you allow her to do the same, & you'll connect on a deeper level. communicate w/ confidence (through your body/words), & be unpredictable. don't worry about making things awkward, cuz it's only awkward if you make it.

2. Rapport- make her more comfortable around you & show her you care. if a girl is shy, you have to work on rapport more than the other parts (while if the girl is more outgoing, & more of a party girl, you have to work on attraction more). when you talk to a girl, don't go into "super formal mode" (or SFM for short). SFM is a mode us people usually go into when we meet someone new. SFM is bad cuz it causes us to act different & awkward. which is why when guys & girls usually first meet, the conversation is boring & is like a "PG rated conversation". once you go into SFM, it's almost impossible to achieve rapport. to prevent this, unmask your true self & act like you've known her for years. give off a vibe that says "this is me!! i'm not the guy that hides his personality to new people. if you like it, cool, but if you can't handle it, it's your problem, not mine" (this is more of an unsaid statement, say it with your body)

to open her up, start up with some open ended/opinion based questions when you talk to her. the ultimate way to open her up are with statements. avoid factual & yes/no q&a because they don't get an emotional response from women (it's better to have an angry reaction from women than an indifferent reaction). Examples:
"so what's your favorite type of music?" (bad, too factual)
"do you like rap music?" (worse, yes/no q&a)
"is it true that girls like rap music over country music?" (good, it's opinion based)
"what do you experience when you listen to rap music?" (good, it's open ended)
"you give of a vibe that you're a girl that really likes rap music!" (great, it's a statement, it doesn't have to be true, & she'll be surprised, but in a good way, & it's very easy to follow up on)

notice something about her & comment it in a good way. listen to her answers very closely, because when girls talk, they give more information to you, so then you can follow up. Example:

Guy: What do you think about the action movie?
Girl: I liked it. I usually don't like action movies, but this one was cool.
Here, she said a lot of info, the guys next sentence can
(a) ask her/comment on what she liked about it
(b) ask her/ tease her on why she usually doesn't like action movies
© ask her/ comment on why she thought the movie was cool

There are many ways to go with this. Note that some girls may give you short responses, so you want to open her up by making statements about her that makes her feel good.

Guy: You know what I noticed about you?
Girl: What?
Guy: Well, I notice that you're the type of person that loves to express your thoughts & opinions through emotions. (BTW-this statement is true. it applies to 99% of girls)

3. Seduce- attraction & rapport happen simultaneously most of the time, but seduction is always the final part, while some seduction skills can happen along with the previous. escalate/move things forward. when you break the touch barrier with a girl, the touch should be subtle. give a vibe like you have done this before. flirt with her. touch her shoulder/arm for a few seconds, then when she gets more comfortable, inch things forward (if you go too fast, you'll creep her out). get her number, then ask her out with confidence (in person is better). when you ask for the number, don't give her reasons to say no. this is why you have to attract her & have rapport, because she has to feel comfortable in giving you her number. how you ask is easy. it's just "you seem like a really cool girl. why don't you give me your number so that we can keep in touch." she will say yes once step 1 & 2 is done. when you ask her out, make it a statement instead of a question.

- true - 01-19-2013 05:51 PM

Just text her and be like hey long time no see or something like that. If you call her, it might be pretty awkward but it's great to start off texting that way you can have time to think

- eve - 01-19-2013 05:51 PM

Text her on the phone saying something like "hey how are you? long tim no see huh? how the things have been going for you lately?" it works most of the time. It will totally work out if she's easy-going. you can just talk about school for a while and then ask some personal stuff like "how's your brother/sister/cat/dog/ or whatever?" Start texting her like that every or every other day. Good luck