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Who is at fault? Israel or Palestine? - Printable Version

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Who is at fault? Israel or Palestine? - Alison - 01-19-2013 09:57 PM

I keep seeing pics posted on Facebook, of Palestine children, dead from airstrikes made by Israel. I beleive if you kill innocent people, especially children, you are wrong. My question is more of, who is at fault for all of this fighting. Which side is to blame, who started this fight/war? What is it really over? And which side is the USA taking?

- Chris - 01-19-2013 10:05 PM

Israeli air attacks killed 19, injuring 100 and leaving six children dead.

Who is at fault, bad politicians corrupted by the profit of warfare, same old problem throughout history

- dude - 01-19-2013 10:05 PM

Terrorist arabs attacked Israel with rockets. Israel responded. Israelis died from those rockets, but liberal media rarely mentions it. United States is taking Israeli side. Even a far-leftist Obama understands that Israel is defending itself. Hamas is firing rockets from populated areas, because they want Israel to fire back and cause civilian casualties, so that they can wage their media war against them.

America has the best military in the world and when they fought terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, there were civilian casualties. No military can prevent them. Arabs should stop firing rockets.

- Paine - 01-19-2013 10:05 PM

Palestine, Israel's citizens have acted like seraphs presiding over their land and instilling peace.

- Jimmy - 01-19-2013 10:05 PM

Hamas started shooting rockets into Israel. This went on for a week. Then Israel responded. If the Rocket attacks had never happened, Israel wouldn't have attacked. So I believe the fault is with Hamas for starting it.

Did you know there are many Palestinian Arabs living in Israel? Most of them say they would rather stay in Israel rather than moving to a Palestinian state.

- Kevin7 - 01-19-2013 10:05 PM

It is Palestine,it is run by terrorists. Israel is a democratic state that protects Jews and Gentiles

- flower - 01-19-2013 10:05 PM

How can the Gazans be at fault for defending themselves against a superior modern military missile strike and are fighting for their freedom from oppression. Israel says they are targeting only Hamas leaders but they do kill other people. Just like th e U.S. says it is only targeting the Taliban in Pakistan and manage to kill dozens more. There is no way to pinpoint which side started this particular incident since there are skirmishes all the time. Palestinians are provoked by Israeli soldiers and other tricks and react with emotion against their oppressors. The conflict is continuous but not all incidents are reported in the press.

- Quina - 01-19-2013 10:05 PM

So pretty much Gaza chose a religious terrorist group called the "Chamas" - (excuse my spelling) to lead them. This group has been sending bombs and explosives in to Israel because they feel like it shouldn't exist at all.
Israel, feeling pressured to keep there citizens safe sends explosives back. This whole war was practically started when Israel became a country.
Many people who live in the Gaza strip are Palestinian refugees and their children and grandchildren.

But you really shouldn't blame either. Blaming others will only make this worse and the whole twitter war is just immature and silly.

- Shawn Robin - 01-19-2013 10:05 PM

Palestinian militants deliberately use civilians as human shields.
There's incontrovertible evidence of this.
Here's video of that 2009:
And if you Google Image search for it, you'll find photos like these:
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And militants don't deny deliberately doing this, either:

"Hamas Explains Use of Civilians as Human Shields"
Link -

Militants either avoid attacks by hiding behind women and children.
Or else women and children get caught in the crossfire, giving militants propaganda material.
According to Human Rights Watch, that's illegal:
Link -

As for what the the latest round of fighting is about, it's Israel being fed up with militants from launching daily missile and rocket attacks on Israel and trying to put a stop to that.

What the overall conflict is about, however, is the neighbouring nation of Jordan.
Jordan's trying to regain territory Jordan invaded in 1948 and lost in 1967 using a phony nationality known as Palestinians.
This is a matter of public record, admitted to by both Jordan and Palestinian leaders:

"The Palestinian people does not exist. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem.
However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."
-Zahir Muhsein, Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee

"Jordanians and Palestinians are considered by the PLO as one people."
-Farouk Kaddoumi, Head of the Palestine Liberation Organization's Political Department

"We are the Government of Palestine, the army of Palestine and the refugees of Palestine."
-Jordanian Prime Minister Hazza' al-Majali

"The Palestinians and Jordanians do not belong to different nationalities. They hold the same Jordanian passports, and have the same Jordanian culture."
-Jordanian Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Sharif

The USA takes Israel side since Israel is America's only democratic ally in the Middle East.
That doesn't mean anyone approves when innocent civilians get caught in the crossfire.
But Israel has taken steps to minimize casualties in advance of its attacks by notifying civilians to clear the area instead of letting militants use them to hide behind:
Link -

- littlecow287 - 01-19-2013 10:05 PM

Israel as a nation is 100% innocent and it has angels watching over it. Tangle with Israel, tangle with angels. Not good.