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What school should I go to, to be an editor in a publishing office? - Printable Version

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What school should I go to, to be an editor in a publishing office? - Emily - 01-19-2013 11:24 PM

I want to be an editor in a publishing company. Alongside that I want to be an author. But, I do not know what I need to major in, to make publishing offices want me to work in their office. I would want to edit fiction books such mystery an fantasy. Also, even help with the cover design and layout or maybe even the marketing. I really need to know what college or university to go to? Thanks a lot and any information about being an editor would be greatly appreciated!

- Dave W - 01-19-2013 11:32 PM

First, employers who hire editors don't care what college you went to. They may pay more attention to your final GPA, however. Would you hire an editor newly out of college with GPA of 3.0, if another applicant had a final GPA of 3.8?

By going to a less prestigious college (like a state college) you may not only save money on tuition, but also achieve a higher GPA, as your competition in classes will be less.

The publishing industry today is heavily dependent on computerization, you you need all the computer classes you can get (not programming, but practical application of your writing skills).

You should take all the advanced writing classes offered in high school to prepare for college. And of course read many novels by a wide variety of authors you you may learn from their stories or different writing styles.

Finally, whether you become an author depends on not just quality of your own writing, but ability to get something published. Lots of modern writers now get KNOWN by their Facebook writings, Blogs, or websites, where word of mouth gets them attention of a large number of fans.

Taking business or marketing classes will be a help, I suggest you minor in business with emphasis on marketing, but acquire an English BA (with emphasis on writing, if your college offers that)
Good luck.